Monday, December 26, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Dear Elder Johnson,
Well I am sure you have heard by now where Chris is headed. Let's just say that your dream that you had has become a reality. This is our HUGE news for the week. It was too funny the first thing that came out of the envelope was passport papers. I said well we know one thing for sure you are going out of the country. LOL his face got white. He was so funny he was so nervous you know how you can hear it in his voice? I think that day he was nervous, scared, excited and feeling about every emotion in the book except for the negative ones. I am thinking today it has sunk in more though. I don't want to tell you exactly where he is serving as I am trying to get him to e-mail you. I think there is a good chance he will. I truly wish he would of been in contact with you more while you were on your mission but you can't force it. I am excited as that is one language you can help me with while you are here and he leaves on his. Oh BTW I am STOKED we will have the 3 of you boys home for a week you come in on the 18 of April and he goes out the 25. It truly is a bitter sweet as a parent. I am so excited for him though. Like I stated with you I couldn't be sending him in better hands. His mission is HUGE I can't believe the areas it covers even Finland. It is amazing. I feel so blessed as a parent to have young men that have choosen the things that Heavenly Father would want them to be doing right now. Feel so blessed. I know we all have our agency, but I feel that if we could try to give back a small part to Heavenly Father to show him the appreciation and respect that we have for Him. Also if we could only have the patience with one another that he has for us. Wouldn't the world be a better place. It would be incredible to raise children. They wouldn't have to worry about doing the wrong thing or saying something that would make others or their parents mad. If we could only be more like him and have everyone in the world with the same goal. WONDERFUL guess I want a little bit of paradise down here on earth.
Okay, how are you doing? How is everything there? I am so sorry the I didn't email you last week. I totally got caught up in everything going on and I thought about it then I forgot about it. Things are going really well here. Dad has I believe 8 companies backing his school up. Modis, Verizon believe it or not called him, TW Telecom, TA Transit, Meritek, can't remember the other ones. Idk if you can go onto the web but the web address of his school is it is amazing!!! I am so proud of him. Right now things are kind of tight as the school doesn't start till the 24 of January. But I know that everything will happen in His time. I am so thankful for this knowledge. I have been so frustrated at times and then the Lord has enlightened me to see why things have progressed the way that they have. There have been reasons and answers to almost every question or concern that I have had. I truly do support him in all that he does and is currently doing. I pray for him all the time as the stress he is under in incredible. We are all running on faith at this time. Faith preceeds the miracle right? I do know and have a very comforting feeling. Wish others could see it from my point of view. I wish others could of been there at the temple when the temple president gave him a blessing. That was incredible. There were answers in the blessings that after it
Monday, December 19, 2011
dear family!
I am so stinkin excited right now! haha that is so cool! however NOBODY has told me where he is going! He didn't write me and I want to know where he is going!
That is so cool! mom has told me that I need to help her with the language that he will be learning so she can learn it so I took advantage of my privileges and went to the church site. I can check who is coming into our mission, who has there call, who is in the MTC, and who is coming into the field. So I know he is not coming here, and then I read that it covers Finland soo ... I'm going to go for the Baltic States, Russian Speaking is my guess! I'm so excited! that will be so much fun! and the fact that I get to see him off is just Awesome! ah man I'm so excited! wow that is so cool! please tell me more so I can know! I'm so excited for you bud! we will be talking soon.
so this week was crazy! we had a LAST minute mission conference! president had us at the very last minute call 100 missionaries and plan travel for them! my brain exploded that day. Our conference was with President Bennet. He pretty much threw down on us all! he told us something cool, I have shared this with you before, you know in Jeremiah 16:16 where there are fishers and hunters, well if you read verse 14 and 15 with it talks about the north countries... do you know that Ukraine sits right above Jerusalem? it was a cool thought. so anyway yeah my week was all last minute... president also called me towards the end of the week with a request to escort a missionary to the airport.. that was weird. oh yeah this Sunday was awesome! we had an awesome sacrament meeting, and for the third hour.. haha get this! I translated for a def brother into Russian sign language! ha ha we have been teaching them lately and learning alot! so third hour we talked about the ascension, or the raising up.. however you say it, the last lesson in gospel I had so much fun and we are headed there way this week to teach them again! it was cool!. Elder hofelings group went home this week! that was really weird! ... haha we stuffed 14 missionaries luggage into the van and were really proud of that! i'll send pictures of that too! so now we are the oldest Ukrainian group! I'm glad that i"ll get to see Christopher before he goes. Its a good thing that the day after we send some home that we receive some new ones! it was a way fun day! I love getting new missionaries. I cooked with sister Klebingat for the dinner and helped her make Lasagna, and you know I might learn something from her ... if she would use measurements! lol pinch of this, dash of that and it turns out perfect!!! lol she is a way sweet lady! The Klebingat Family is absolutely awesome!
so this week was crazy! we had a LAST minute mission conference! president had us at the very last minute call 100 missionaries and plan travel for them! my brain exploded that day. Our conference was with President Bennet. He pretty much threw down on us all! he told us something cool, I have shared this with you before, you know in Jeremiah 16:16 where there are fishers and hunters, well if you read verse 14 and 15 with it talks about the north countries... do you know that Ukraine sits right above Jerusalem? it was a cool thought. so anyway yeah my week was all last minute... president also called me towards the end of the week with a request to escort a missionary to the airport.. that was weird. oh yeah this Sunday was awesome! we had an awesome sacrament meeting, and for the third hour.. haha get this! I translated for a def brother into Russian sign language! ha ha we have been teaching them lately and learning alot! so third hour we talked about the ascension, or the raising up.. however you say it, the last lesson in gospel I had so much fun and we are headed there way this week to teach them again! it was cool!. Elder hofelings group went home this week! that was really weird! ... haha we stuffed 14 missionaries luggage into the van and were really proud of that! i'll send pictures of that too! so now we are the oldest Ukrainian group! I'm glad that i"ll get to see Christopher before he goes. Its a good thing that the day after we send some home that we receive some new ones! it was a way fun day! I love getting new missionaries. I cooked with sister Klebingat for the dinner and helped her make Lasagna, and you know I might learn something from her ... if she would use measurements! lol pinch of this, dash of that and it turns out perfect!!! lol she is a way sweet lady! The Klebingat Family is absolutely awesome!
Elder Saltmarsh and I had a very tought week! one of the days we went out and did tracting for like 4 hours because we hadn't found anyone to teach and we didn't have anything better to do.. we tracted about 100 doors and received a nice slam from everyone of them save for 2 who gave us a few more seconds than the others after we stated who we were. it was SOOOO hard! I felt like I was fighting myself the whole time. AFter a litle bit of not feeling effective I felt like doing something else. I wasn't really going to the next door with the faith that they would accept us, but I was hoping like crazy! its interesting and pretty tough trying to put off the natural man. its alot more than just paying your tithing, or going to church, or reading the scriptures. Its pushing yourself spiritually until you don't want to go anymore... and then do it anyway!
I know that I like to be comfortable and will do what I can to remain that way... small things, I dont like to sweat, I like to have a full nights sleep, I like having time for myself at night. I noticed that ever so slightly I reserve myself to be comfortable. I hold myself in reserve and therefore Heavenly Father cannot hold me in reserve to be called on when he needs me.
I also attached some songs, they are from my companions dads band! they are called the nashville tribute, and all of these songs were dedicated to missionary work! I really like them!
Monday, December 12, 2011
Dear Everyone!
WAHOOO!!! I got both packages! I was so stoked! the socks were "soley" needed
. I loved it all! thanks for the seasonings! those will last probably till the end of the mission. Speaking of which. Yes I know that the date was changed... I have been getting a lot of thoughts about staying lately.. I thought about it, prayed about it and asked President for his advice and well you know what he said. so yeah... here I am staying. I'm happy I am staying.. I'm sorry to be a bummer but I don't think that It will be 4 years until I see those two. honestly Christopher will get his call and if he is not English speaking than I think I will see him again.. and bryndon diffinently will be seeing again. Tell Chris thank you for the journal... I thought I was going to have to go buy another one from L'viv again. so yeah this week was nuts! I cant believe how fast it went and this next week is going to be even faster! we have transfers, an area presidency coming, president family vacation, and the new transfers... we have 14 new missionaries coming in! ... our mission is getting young REALLY quick. Also we seem to have an epidemic here... lots of our missionaries are getting appendicitis, the stupid part is is nobody knows why appendicitis happens... so I'm scared! I'm being way careful! I hate doctors!!! and to have to go have surgery in Ukraine!!!! NO WAY! I sent a bunch of pictures... one of them is our recent convert next to the Christmas tree.. he just went to the temple right next door and did baptisms... then he was confirmed for 60 PEOPLE!!! ha ha and he was way happy about it. the rest is me and Elder Hofeling.. also our district. the one on the tractor is our original district.. save for oleg who is in the picture. and then the one on the wall of the church is our district for this week... it was huge! almost the size of our Odessa zone! lol it was way funny! anyway so yeah excell just about killed me today... certain cells were not working out, the macro's were all deleted! I wanted to shoot myself in the foot! anyway so anyway ... I cant think right now.. my brain is a little fried.. all I see is numbers. all of our missionaries are going home.. everyone in Elder Hofelings group. its weird! but I don't have time for it to trunk me out... honestly it makes me nervous and then happy of my decision to stay! I hope everyone is doing well.. I know dad is doing well. and that's about it! so guys come on! email me!
love you all! please tell me when you want to Skype!
love you all! please tell me when you want to Skype!
Monday, December 5, 2011
Zone Conference
Message body
Good morning everyone!
wow.. so this week was probably one of the fastest weeks I have had of my mission. we just finished the Zone Conference round of 4 different conferences. Yeah Odessa was fun! and so was the plane there :D I loved it. it was interesting to see all the different conferences, all were the same but there was more given of different points in each of them. I actually wanted to share a little bit of it in this email and the weird part is, is that I think it might help. I also included Presidents letter in the email so you can read. He sends one every week.
so yeah as we were flying to Odessa I was just kind of thinking about the mission... how we can be better, how I can be better, because we all do have those times where its like "GOOD GRIEF!!!" you know give me a break. but I've learned a lot serving by President Klebingat. We have been talking about discouragement and disappointment and how they are different and should not be seen as the same. Discouragement is when you you lose courage.. exactly what and how the word is spelled "Dis-courage.." when you give up, and disappointing happens at a certain point, hence "disa-ppoint-ment" but its then that we feel like all the missionaries who ever lived.. Alma, Paul etc.
If you think about it, before everything great comes something tough to kind see how bad you really want it is a way of looking at it. When we try to do what is right, when we try to change or continue doing what is right of course we wake up adversity and honestly that is not really news. Jesus Christ was tempted when he went out into the wilderness to converse with Heavenly Father... The starting of the Restoration began with an attack on a persons life.. to shut his mouth... I kind of thought about this from another perspective, his one is to Bryndon and Christopher for prep on the mission haha I took it as a video game analogy. you know if you were trying to stop somebody from going somewhere on the game map, as if it was your sole purpose to stop a people, or an army and and destroy them. would you not put up outposts, walls , barriers, opposing forces in place or in their path to slow them down? and would you not place those "trials" on the tops of hills therefore trying to take the advantage and break the moral of those people? knowing that if they took these hills from you that they would have a better view, a better understanding of where they are on there journey, receiving a better sight and even a boost of confidence with the sight of their end journey up ahead. And if they continue on taking and making advantages would you not at that point gather your forces and unite them for a last desperate attempt, at the gate of their goal, and with all your might fight and break moral so that they might pack up and go home, retreat, and not get or catch the sight of how far they have actually come. Indeed it is with the children of God and all his future, present, and past missionaries on our journey to the awaited kingdom. And its going to be like that before the mission, on the mission, and after the mission. The message has been given, the decree has been sent all throughout the land on how we can return to the kingdom of heaven. We are to gird up our loins and put on the breastplate of righteousness having perfect faith in our Older Brother to lead us and give us the map and compass of how to get there.
The mission has really been struggling on that note.. you know just getting down when trouble comes. "hanging down our heads" as Alma says. And honestly its natural to get disturbed, and disappointed. but if the devil can discourage you than your done. Also on another point we can get discouraged sometimes because righteous decisions do not work out the way we want... something we have to remember is that the Lord is the Lord of the Harvest. We may think that if we do this, this, and this, Heavenly Father will bless us with this, that and the other. Honestly 1+1 does not always equal 2 right away, He will grant unto us what He seeith fit, not how we add it up. And all throughout this we have to remember that the Gospel is still true.. no matter the opposition. as alma says "it mattereth Not". Our homework is to do it how it has been given to us or not to find our own way around Gethsemane or Calvary because we will all go through it. That's the beauty about the gospel is its "yes or no" not a "well I would like it this way" gospel. When Copernicus went on about telling the world that the world was actually round he ended up getting burned for it because nobody believed him and hated him for his beliefs but his last phrase right before he died was "but its still round!" lol you see it mattereth not, everything is still true and happens for a reason. Heavenly Father wants us to learn why we are here on the earth,... a lot of things may be hard, and we may want to get out of whatever it is... Joseph Smith after seeing Revelations and be visited by not only Heavenly Messengers but by God himself, he found himself in a jail cell with a bucket for a toilet wondering where the Lord had hid himself. The Lords response was "peace be unto thee my son" Peace be unto you does not mean OK I'll get you out of this, it means hold on , stay faithful, your doing whats right, and don't let the circumstances try to tell you differently. Hold on with your teeth!... because the Lord is close by. And even when we do all we can and expect the results to happen as fast as process went... we should not limit the Lord in giving unto us our reward ... success should not be confined at all. We are not only storing up treasures here on earth, but also in Heaven.. its His call on when we get them.
I had this thought that came to me as we were flying to Odessa...
A pilot will fly at the indicated airspeed through the sky, he will rip through the clouds, adjusting for micro bursts and tail winds. And at times if needed he will increase and decrease the airspeed as President Uchtdorf informs us. At times in our life as we fly through we will have our fair share of clouds and micro bursts that will trouble us and try to knock us off course. They will try to discourage us and make us retreat, turn around and go home, or even worse just stop! lol a pilot knows that that is not even an option :P . We have prepared our vessels as the brother of Jared speaks of and we know where we are going. It would be foolish to waist it all, the effort that was taken to get you off the ground because of a few bad looking clouds or a few air pockets. "Let the wind blow" president Klebingat says. Its honestly going to be a huge factor in making your fly higher, the altitude of blessings will keep coming, the more faith you use to keep going the further and higher will be the result. so how will you use your wind? are you going to let it push you around? will you worry about the weather of life outside the windows? or will you prepare and adjust for the coming storms that in reality will bring you to a knowledge of God's "higher ways". We can be surrounded and will be by life's lessons, and at times it may seem that some are coming at you out of order or to many at one time. the scene will tell you to "go around" when you dials and altimeters will tell you to increase your speed, line up, adjust the flaps, and keep going!
My message this week is keep going! dont get discouraged! I love you all and hope that your finding joy in your "flight plan" lol have joy in your journey. love you all
tell everyone that is writing from the ward thank you so much! and that I dont have anytime to write back... I'm way busy. Also I need to know when you would like to Skype on Christmas. schedule with everyone and then let me know what you want to do
Старійшина Джонсон
Старійшина Джонсон
Monday, November 28, 2011
Trying to be useful!!!
Message body
Dear Family
So wow! what a week! I enjoyed ALL of your letters! its good to hear everyone is doing well! yeah I think its funny/interesting that the missionaries are starting to do that there. We started something similar to that back in Sept. but instead of going to peoples homes we do it on the streets!!! the highest baptizing mission in Eastern Europe right now is the Russia Samara mission and so they have been sharing Ideas with us on how they are better doing the work there/. We have started praying on the "streets, and in their homes, .." anywhere and everywhere! and its brought about HUGE miracles and mighty changes of hearts among the people of Ukraine... and her missionaries :D This week was pretty crazy! we started off here in Kyiv. We did service in a hospital this week! that was nuts! there was 8 of us there and they sent us off by two's to the operation room, Neurology, Emergency room, and somewhere else. Elder Hofeling and I were sent to the Operation deck where we hauled people around in there beds for x-rays and what not! it was really cool! the week flew by and before we knew it, it was Thursday which ment we were on our way to L'viv with President in the van. Almost the equivalent of the Salt lake city to Boise trip but about an hour longer. It was really cool! we got to know president a little better, had a chance to pick his brain, he showed us pictures and video's of his family! it was way cool! I hope that his character can rub off on me before I go home! I really like the qualities that he has developed and the attitude he has towards things! Our zone conference in L'viv was really good! I went on Exchanges with Elder Wilson (Zone leader) you remember him? he is one of the members of my original district in the MTC. He is still really cool and I imagine we will be friends alot longer then just the mission! we found a bunch of people there, its unfortunate you will only be here for a few days! L'viv is definitely worth seeing. We headed back Sat. night on a train, unfortunately but fortunately they had NO tickets... in the regular 2nd class... and we are not allowed to take 3rd class. so guess what we got to do??? :D yep! first class! lol It wasn't anything incredibly awesome but it was a lot nicer! a lot more comfy I felt. However, that is not going to be compared to the trip to Odessa this week which will be by the means of a plane!!! YEAH!!!! I'm way excited for that! by the way Odessa is strictly Russian speaking... so Ukrainian speakers NEVER get to see what is down there... so this is a way fun opportunity! we have 3 zone conferences this week! one on Tues, another on Wednesday, and the last on Friday! and then on Sat we have new missionaries coming in and before i will know it I will be typing to you again. Hey mom don't worry about it yes we will be skyping! I'm surrounded by computers here in the office and the former Assistants from a while ago already set up the skype for it so no worries. No I'm trying not to think of going home, I honestly.... dont want to. I could easily do this for the rest of my life and not have a problem with it! Its way cool! and very... progressing.. if I can even use that word! we have started decorating for Christmas already! that will be really cool to see Christmas in Kyiv for the first time, but come next week we will have my new companion here with us in a threesome and I'll start making plans for our exchanges with the other zones including L'viv! I just hope that I remain useful! what I do now is what I'm told and I do it to the best I am able... however, what I have to do is not all on the brain yet.. so I know the how, but the what is still floating around up there. In fact right now President Klebingat is calling my new companion to tell him he wants him to be the new assistant hahaha poor Elder he has no Idea whats about to hit him haha. So President has told me that I'm probably going to "die" as they say it as an assistant because he wants me to be with Elder Saltmarsh (new comp) as long as possible to give him the downloading experience. I really like president Klebingat and his enthusiasm for the work and his family! Thats so weird! a safari Christmas???! no snow! what is this blasphemy!!! I'm going to call you all to repentance! lol its not Christmas without snow!
We are having big problems right now with the new missionaries because Ukraine made some new laws that are restricting more religions coming into Ukraine. and we have been told that its the Orthodox church (big power here) that presented the bill! :S but in the long run its going to help us out! anyway! so yeah president is a little stressed. He is a big family man aswell so a lot of the time he just says "well that's why I have assistants, so you guys figure it out" anyway! so yeah... we have a huge really fast week this coming week! before I know it Christmas will be here... wow! I love you all! and hope that you enjoy the email. I'll try and get some pictures from Odessa this week...
love you
Старійшина Джонсон
So wow! what a week! I enjoyed ALL of your letters! its good to hear everyone is doing well! yeah I think its funny/interesting that the missionaries are starting to do that there. We started something similar to that back in Sept. but instead of going to peoples homes we do it on the streets!!! the highest baptizing mission in Eastern Europe right now is the Russia Samara mission and so they have been sharing Ideas with us on how they are better doing the work there/. We have started praying on the "streets, and in their homes, .." anywhere and everywhere! and its brought about HUGE miracles and mighty changes of hearts among the people of Ukraine... and her missionaries :D This week was pretty crazy! we started off here in Kyiv. We did service in a hospital this week! that was nuts! there was 8 of us there and they sent us off by two's to the operation room, Neurology, Emergency room, and somewhere else. Elder Hofeling and I were sent to the Operation deck where we hauled people around in there beds for x-rays and what not! it was really cool! the week flew by and before we knew it, it was Thursday which ment we were on our way to L'viv with President in the van. Almost the equivalent of the Salt lake city to Boise trip but about an hour longer. It was really cool! we got to know president a little better, had a chance to pick his brain, he showed us pictures and video's of his family! it was way cool! I hope that his character can rub off on me before I go home! I really like the qualities that he has developed and the attitude he has towards things! Our zone conference in L'viv was really good! I went on Exchanges with Elder Wilson (Zone leader) you remember him? he is one of the members of my original district in the MTC. He is still really cool and I imagine we will be friends alot longer then just the mission! we found a bunch of people there, its unfortunate you will only be here for a few days! L'viv is definitely worth seeing. We headed back Sat. night on a train, unfortunately but fortunately they had NO tickets... in the regular 2nd class... and we are not allowed to take 3rd class. so guess what we got to do??? :D yep! first class! lol It wasn't anything incredibly awesome but it was a lot nicer! a lot more comfy I felt. However, that is not going to be compared to the trip to Odessa this week which will be by the means of a plane!!! YEAH!!!! I'm way excited for that! by the way Odessa is strictly Russian speaking... so Ukrainian speakers NEVER get to see what is down there... so this is a way fun opportunity! we have 3 zone conferences this week! one on Tues, another on Wednesday, and the last on Friday! and then on Sat we have new missionaries coming in and before i will know it I will be typing to you again. Hey mom don't worry about it yes we will be skyping! I'm surrounded by computers here in the office and the former Assistants from a while ago already set up the skype for it so no worries. No I'm trying not to think of going home, I honestly.... dont want to. I could easily do this for the rest of my life and not have a problem with it! Its way cool! and very... progressing.. if I can even use that word! we have started decorating for Christmas already! that will be really cool to see Christmas in Kyiv for the first time, but come next week we will have my new companion here with us in a threesome and I'll start making plans for our exchanges with the other zones including L'viv! I just hope that I remain useful! what I do now is what I'm told and I do it to the best I am able... however, what I have to do is not all on the brain yet.. so I know the how, but the what is still floating around up there. In fact right now President Klebingat is calling my new companion to tell him he wants him to be the new assistant hahaha poor Elder he has no Idea whats about to hit him haha. So President has told me that I'm probably going to "die" as they say it as an assistant because he wants me to be with Elder Saltmarsh (new comp) as long as possible to give him the downloading experience. I really like president Klebingat and his enthusiasm for the work and his family! Thats so weird! a safari Christmas???! no snow! what is this blasphemy!!! I'm going to call you all to repentance! lol its not Christmas without snow!
We are having big problems right now with the new missionaries because Ukraine made some new laws that are restricting more religions coming into Ukraine. and we have been told that its the Orthodox church (big power here) that presented the bill! :S but in the long run its going to help us out! anyway! so yeah president is a little stressed. He is a big family man aswell so a lot of the time he just says "well that's why I have assistants, so you guys figure it out" anyway! so yeah... we have a huge really fast week this coming week! before I know it Christmas will be here... wow! I love you all! and hope that you enjoy the email. I'll try and get some pictures from Odessa this week...
love you
Старійшина Джонсон
Monday, November 21, 2011
Hi There
Dearly Beloved!
so.. ya know this week was kind of a kick in the pants! honestly I could look at this week and say wow! Elder Johnson... your not a very fruitful missionary! I'm mean come on! look at you!... yuck! lol aside from what I know that we did this week I still see myself coming to a conclusion every week with the phrase.."what lack I yet?" and in my case more than one. Yeah so mom our mission president is not American... I just said he lived there for a while and thus knows english better than most. However, I wont be really celebrating thanksgiving this year... :S infact president, Elder Hofeling and I will be on the road to L'viv on the 24th. And then for Christmas he is encouraging the missionaries to do something but as for the mission as a whole as he states " the holidays are not going to put us on hold". I really like working with President! way practical man. This last week we had Leadership training, alot of the missionaries are starting to struggle, or complain more or less that its hard! ... well DUH! ofcourse its hard! and thats pretty much what president told everyone! It was quite the entertaining thought for me... sort of humorous. however, something I picked up on this week, I think the Idea is that we despite what we want to have happen need to submit to the Will of our Heavenly Father rather than complain about it. The Lord is the Lord of the Harvest and he makes the calls! its not our work its his! he simply invites us to make it our own purpose in other words submitting ourself to him in every deed, action, and thought! and well you know that sounds great! but honestly I'm not there yet! but I do get that you shouldn't "kick against the bricks" as it says, "our ways are not Gods ways" he will ultimately determine what happens. thats why we are encouraged to pray so much so that we will come to the knowledge for ourselves the Will of our Heavenly Father, and what ever it might be that we dont complain about it! the very first story in the BOM tells us what happens to those who complain. Its funny, we who wear the wrist watches and carry the pocket watches seek to complain to and council the One who over see's the cosmic clocks and calenders! He does everything in his own time! That should be enough for us all to know. Obviously wanting to find someone to teach and baptize is something great to want, but all those "great "things obviously are not given with out a price or some effort on the recievers end. The instrictions I beleive could be any clearer on HOW TO BE A MISSIONARY! We've got a written missionary library that practically screams it at us. Being willing to submit to our Father in Heaven I feel is alot more then just bended knee and a bowed head. there is a requirement involved. "except ye become as little childeren" it says " ye shall not inheret the kingdom of God." or even help build it for that matter. I have been in Mosiah lately and I think mosiah 3:19 really applies, The recipe to become a Saint is to become as a child, Submissive, Meek, Humble, Patient, full of love, (here's the kicker) willing to SUBMIT to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father. Elder Maxwell said that "discriptive Simplicity of Spiritual Submissiveness is matched by its developement difficulty." Its so easy to be half hearted, but this only produces half the growth, half the blessing, and just half a life, really , with more bud then blossom. Such a superficial view of this work will not do! All missionaries (Missionary= member) lest we mistakenly speak of this life only as coming here to get a body, as if we were merely picking up a suit at the cleaners. Or, lest we casually recite how we have come here to be proved, as if a few brisk push-ups and deep knee bends would do. Our Heavenly Father alloteth unto man certain thing which we are to be content. The submissive individual will be led aright, enduring some things well while anxiously engaged in setting other things right. all the time discerning the difference. Obviously we have to recognize (also a new principle hitting home with me... recognizing) Heavenly Fathers love for us and the he is not just oging to hang us out to dry. I know God wants me to succeed and be happy, I know he if we let him ready's us for all of the learning experiences. But we have to own up to those learning experiences of the past and listen to the soft Whisperings of the Holy Ghost as he prompts if we are to succeed and be happy!
Im way excited for Bryndon! thats way cool about the papers! Taleya it was way good to hear from you! and I dont care if they are short or not send them anyway! just... dont be consistent with the short ones ;) and mom you can count on me (atleast while single) coming home for the holidays so you guys wont be alone! once married well... probably have to compromise a little bit.. you know the family will be a bit bigger. anyway so I love you all! my holidays are going to be busy! found out that we are flying to ODESA and I'm stoked! its been awhile since being in the air! so that will be fun! I love you all! I'm doing well! trying to stay away from apendisitus! its gotten like 6 missionaries since I've been out and just got one of our zone leaders into the hospital :S the end of the week was kind of depressing because our baptism didn't go down! he wasn't quite ready.. but it will happen. I'm not discouraged! president gave the mission a thought to play with! if your discouraged than its because your being disobedient! haha I like it because its true! if you have done ALL you could that day! you may be disapointed because of the results but its not because of what you didn't do! you did all you could! anyway love you all! I'll talk to you again soon!
Старійшина Джонсон
so.. ya know this week was kind of a kick in the pants! honestly I could look at this week and say wow! Elder Johnson... your not a very fruitful missionary! I'm mean come on! look at you!... yuck! lol aside from what I know that we did this week I still see myself coming to a conclusion every week with the phrase.."what lack I yet?" and in my case more than one. Yeah so mom our mission president is not American... I just said he lived there for a while and thus knows english better than most. However, I wont be really celebrating thanksgiving this year... :S infact president, Elder Hofeling and I will be on the road to L'viv on the 24th. And then for Christmas he is encouraging the missionaries to do something but as for the mission as a whole as he states " the holidays are not going to put us on hold". I really like working with President! way practical man. This last week we had Leadership training, alot of the missionaries are starting to struggle, or complain more or less that its hard! ... well DUH! ofcourse its hard! and thats pretty much what president told everyone! It was quite the entertaining thought for me... sort of humorous. however, something I picked up on this week, I think the Idea is that we despite what we want to have happen need to submit to the Will of our Heavenly Father rather than complain about it. The Lord is the Lord of the Harvest and he makes the calls! its not our work its his! he simply invites us to make it our own purpose in other words submitting ourself to him in every deed, action, and thought! and well you know that sounds great! but honestly I'm not there yet! but I do get that you shouldn't "kick against the bricks" as it says, "our ways are not Gods ways" he will ultimately determine what happens. thats why we are encouraged to pray so much so that we will come to the knowledge for ourselves the Will of our Heavenly Father, and what ever it might be that we dont complain about it! the very first story in the BOM tells us what happens to those who complain. Its funny, we who wear the wrist watches and carry the pocket watches seek to complain to and council the One who over see's the cosmic clocks and calenders! He does everything in his own time! That should be enough for us all to know. Obviously wanting to find someone to teach and baptize is something great to want, but all those "great "things obviously are not given with out a price or some effort on the recievers end. The instrictions I beleive could be any clearer on HOW TO BE A MISSIONARY! We've got a written missionary library that practically screams it at us. Being willing to submit to our Father in Heaven I feel is alot more then just bended knee and a bowed head. there is a requirement involved. "except ye become as little childeren" it says " ye shall not inheret the kingdom of God." or even help build it for that matter. I have been in Mosiah lately and I think mosiah 3:19 really applies, The recipe to become a Saint is to become as a child, Submissive, Meek, Humble, Patient, full of love, (here's the kicker) willing to SUBMIT to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father. Elder Maxwell said that "discriptive Simplicity of Spiritual Submissiveness is matched by its developement difficulty." Its so easy to be half hearted, but this only produces half the growth, half the blessing, and just half a life, really , with more bud then blossom. Such a superficial view of this work will not do! All missionaries (Missionary= member) lest we mistakenly speak of this life only as coming here to get a body, as if we were merely picking up a suit at the cleaners. Or, lest we casually recite how we have come here to be proved, as if a few brisk push-ups and deep knee bends would do. Our Heavenly Father alloteth unto man certain thing which we are to be content. The submissive individual will be led aright, enduring some things well while anxiously engaged in setting other things right. all the time discerning the difference. Obviously we have to recognize (also a new principle hitting home with me... recognizing) Heavenly Fathers love for us and the he is not just oging to hang us out to dry. I know God wants me to succeed and be happy, I know he if we let him ready's us for all of the learning experiences. But we have to own up to those learning experiences of the past and listen to the soft Whisperings of the Holy Ghost as he prompts if we are to succeed and be happy!
Im way excited for Bryndon! thats way cool about the papers! Taleya it was way good to hear from you! and I dont care if they are short or not send them anyway! just... dont be consistent with the short ones ;) and mom you can count on me (atleast while single) coming home for the holidays so you guys wont be alone! once married well... probably have to compromise a little bit.. you know the family will be a bit bigger. anyway so I love you all! my holidays are going to be busy! found out that we are flying to ODESA and I'm stoked! its been awhile since being in the air! so that will be fun! I love you all! I'm doing well! trying to stay away from apendisitus! its gotten like 6 missionaries since I've been out and just got one of our zone leaders into the hospital :S the end of the week was kind of depressing because our baptism didn't go down! he wasn't quite ready.. but it will happen. I'm not discouraged! president gave the mission a thought to play with! if your discouraged than its because your being disobedient! haha I like it because its true! if you have done ALL you could that day! you may be disapointed because of the results but its not because of what you didn't do! you did all you could! anyway love you all! I'll talk to you again soon!
Старійшина Джонсон
Monday, November 14, 2011
Blessed are those that humble theirselves. Alma 32:16
Message body
Dear Everyone!
So this week was a week of miracles! we started off the week with a baptism on Tuesday! the guy said that he wanted to get baptized on Monday when they met with him! He is pretty cool! he requested that President Klebingat Baptize him. It was really cool! President went right ahead and gave the permission to give him the Gift of the Holy Ghost immediately after the baptism! His wife gave a great talk on the Holy Ghost. It was weird for me to sit back and listen to her and be reminded that English is not her first language. She speaks fluent Russian because she is from Latvia, and she knows German because of her husband and English because of her study at the BYU. It was really cool! Also however, on the other spectrum of the week ... oi we had exchanged this week with our zone to try and help them out. well I was with a missionary by the name of Elder Sadigashavilly .. yes he is a native from Georgia, in fact he is the first missionary ever to come out of Georgia, and he stands about 3 ft 8 inch. he is a small Elder.. anyway so we are on exchanges but not only that but we have meeting with one of our investigators at President Klebingat's home. If it wasn't for our taxi we would have been way late. but we got to the temple and president drove us to his house. WAY beautiful house and the inside is way cool! it was my first time there.. in fact for all three of us Peter, my temporary Comp, and I. Peter has baptismal date for this week and working so close to president he always knows about our investigators. anyway so we are there and Sister Klebingat also graced us with her presence on the lesson.... well long story short... it was way.. weird! or humbling I guess I should say. Elder Hofeling and I had been talking about what to teach him, Elder Hofeling new him better and thought that another lesson on the Restoration is needed. I thought that perhaps the Plan of Salvation would be better, anyway we agreed on his idea. and so we are there and we are talking about the restoration. well... woops number one. President and I had not talked before the lesson so he had no Idea what to expect, nor did his wife. Petya is being kind of back off ish. not really himself so his answers and everything are really quick and short, I mean it makes sense, new environment, new people, I was the only one he knew. My companion wasn't saying anything.. so it was kind of a one missionary show, President didn't know where I was at, the investigator wasn't really open... and above all I'm speaking Ukrainian and only Peter and I are the ones that do. President and his wife and Also my temp. Comp. are Russian speakers... however Sister Klebingat was keeping up with me which was kind of cool... anyway .. it was just way humbling, I was way worried for Peter but he said that it was good, and that everything went well. The Sisters in our district also baptized someone this week! for the baptism they had asked me to sing... so well I did.. and I BOMBED!!! it! I mean it wasn't horrible but I was way nervous! so yet again ANOTHER humbling Experience.
Elder Hofeling and I were out talking to people and I stopped this older gent who had a baby stroller and started talking about our family message... well he shut me down very quickly trying to tell me that this is all nonsense, that how I can teach him because I'm so young.. lada yada yada! anyway he kept bouncing back and forth between Ukrainian and Russian and so during the argument I asked him to pick a language! he asked me if I wanted him to speak Ukrainian I said yeah sure. he responded with a "goodbye" he then turned and said "you come to Kyiv and your not speaking Russian" I responded "we live in Ukraine!!! " he then replied with "your an idiot" and walked off laughing as if he was really trying to laugh ... you know what I mean? anyway I was like wow!! so yeah it was a really humbling week.. I cant believe that it has already been two weeks! I'm going to blink and its going to be all over. I have been reading D&C .. an activity most missionaries do when they get down to there 138 days of the mission. a chapter a day! its way cool! the snow is here, things are cold.. well what else.
I'm stoked that Chris is FINALLY ready! woof! that took forever!!!! but good on im! I'm way stoked to hear about Lynette! that is way cool! if you want you can give her my email and if she would like to email me she can!
That's to sad that none of the Grandparents could be there at the baby blessing... why couldn't Josh's parents come? Perhaps another week of waiting wouldn't of hurt. but whats done is done. anyway so we have lots happening this week, exchanges, Leadership training, Zone conferences... lots. And no Elder Hofeling does not go home until December 14 so we have a while. Anyway ... so I'm beginning to think about school... and am wondering what is down there in Florida, If that's where we are planning on staying. I hope your conversing with the office here in the mission on when you want to come. Actually I can kind of help now because that's where I'm at... OFTEN! honestly we handle everything and keep the mission going the way president wants it to go... so in 5 weeks elder Hofeling has to teach me all about running a mission. .... I'm getting it. for the most part. he has been here 5 months so he's got a handle. anyway family I love you and I'm way excited about everything going on here and there. and yes we were some of the first to hear about the missionaries in Texas.... its kind of sad. but if those elders had to go back to their Father in Heaven.. they probably couldn't have picked a better time then on there missions. I didn't know it was the Strong's though.. wow.. well once again I love you all! that's everything from Kyiv, Ukraine! tune in Next week!
Старійшина Джонсон
So this week was a week of miracles! we started off the week with a baptism on Tuesday! the guy said that he wanted to get baptized on Monday when they met with him! He is pretty cool! he requested that President Klebingat Baptize him. It was really cool! President went right ahead and gave the permission to give him the Gift of the Holy Ghost immediately after the baptism! His wife gave a great talk on the Holy Ghost. It was weird for me to sit back and listen to her and be reminded that English is not her first language. She speaks fluent Russian because she is from Latvia, and she knows German because of her husband and English because of her study at the BYU. It was really cool! Also however, on the other spectrum of the week ... oi we had exchanged this week with our zone to try and help them out. well I was with a missionary by the name of Elder Sadigashavilly .. yes he is a native from Georgia, in fact he is the first missionary ever to come out of Georgia, and he stands about 3 ft 8 inch. he is a small Elder.. anyway so we are on exchanges but not only that but we have meeting with one of our investigators at President Klebingat's home. If it wasn't for our taxi we would have been way late. but we got to the temple and president drove us to his house. WAY beautiful house and the inside is way cool! it was my first time there.. in fact for all three of us Peter, my temporary Comp, and I. Peter has baptismal date for this week and working so close to president he always knows about our investigators. anyway so we are there and Sister Klebingat also graced us with her presence on the lesson.... well long story short... it was way.. weird! or humbling I guess I should say. Elder Hofeling and I had been talking about what to teach him, Elder Hofeling new him better and thought that another lesson on the Restoration is needed. I thought that perhaps the Plan of Salvation would be better, anyway we agreed on his idea. and so we are there and we are talking about the restoration. well... woops number one. President and I had not talked before the lesson so he had no Idea what to expect, nor did his wife. Petya is being kind of back off ish. not really himself so his answers and everything are really quick and short, I mean it makes sense, new environment, new people, I was the only one he knew. My companion wasn't saying anything.. so it was kind of a one missionary show, President didn't know where I was at, the investigator wasn't really open... and above all I'm speaking Ukrainian and only Peter and I are the ones that do. President and his wife and Also my temp. Comp. are Russian speakers... however Sister Klebingat was keeping up with me which was kind of cool... anyway .. it was just way humbling, I was way worried for Peter but he said that it was good, and that everything went well. The Sisters in our district also baptized someone this week! for the baptism they had asked me to sing... so well I did.. and I BOMBED!!! it! I mean it wasn't horrible but I was way nervous! so yet again ANOTHER humbling Experience.
Elder Hofeling and I were out talking to people and I stopped this older gent who had a baby stroller and started talking about our family message... well he shut me down very quickly trying to tell me that this is all nonsense, that how I can teach him because I'm so young.. lada yada yada! anyway he kept bouncing back and forth between Ukrainian and Russian and so during the argument I asked him to pick a language! he asked me if I wanted him to speak Ukrainian I said yeah sure. he responded with a "goodbye" he then turned and said "you come to Kyiv and your not speaking Russian" I responded "we live in Ukraine!!! " he then replied with "your an idiot" and walked off laughing as if he was really trying to laugh ... you know what I mean? anyway I was like wow!! so yeah it was a really humbling week.. I cant believe that it has already been two weeks! I'm going to blink and its going to be all over. I have been reading D&C .. an activity most missionaries do when they get down to there 138 days of the mission. a chapter a day! its way cool! the snow is here, things are cold.. well what else.
I'm stoked that Chris is FINALLY ready! woof! that took forever!!!! but good on im! I'm way stoked to hear about Lynette! that is way cool! if you want you can give her my email and if she would like to email me she can!
That's to sad that none of the Grandparents could be there at the baby blessing... why couldn't Josh's parents come? Perhaps another week of waiting wouldn't of hurt. but whats done is done. anyway so we have lots happening this week, exchanges, Leadership training, Zone conferences... lots. And no Elder Hofeling does not go home until December 14 so we have a while. Anyway ... so I'm beginning to think about school... and am wondering what is down there in Florida, If that's where we are planning on staying. I hope your conversing with the office here in the mission on when you want to come. Actually I can kind of help now because that's where I'm at... OFTEN! honestly we handle everything and keep the mission going the way president wants it to go... so in 5 weeks elder Hofeling has to teach me all about running a mission. .... I'm getting it. for the most part. he has been here 5 months so he's got a handle. anyway family I love you and I'm way excited about everything going on here and there. and yes we were some of the first to hear about the missionaries in Texas.... its kind of sad. but if those elders had to go back to their Father in Heaven.. they probably couldn't have picked a better time then on there missions. I didn't know it was the Strong's though.. wow.. well once again I love you all! that's everything from Kyiv, Ukraine! tune in Next week!
Старійшина Джонсон
Monday, November 7, 2011
Grueling Monday Morning
Dear everyone,
So Mondays are always going to be crazy busy! we are usually in the office by 8 or 8:30 depending on traffic... I just did the weekly reports and it took me 4 different times to do them!!! excel programs and what not... their relentless!!! you make one mistake and they are unforgiving! such a program should not exist in a church mission office that believes and preaches repentance :P anyway I finally get to type to you all and tell you how the week went. so I meant to take pictures and send them your way however I am still trying to fix the camera and haven't found time. speaking of that Time FLY'S now! I blinked and the week was over! I like my new assignment and working right next to the temple is way cool! its a great missionary tool! this last Monday Elder Hofeling and I set a new baptismal date with somebody! (just like ole times) he is a way cool guy named Peter who is about our age! we work with president a lot here... so much in fact where I already know who my next companion is going to be.. and its going to happen quick to because elder hofeling goes home in 5 weeks... so I have to get this assistant thing down fast! however after this morning I don't think I have any excuse to ever mess up again! This last week was our Stake Conference.. do you know that this last week was the first week in the last two years that I had not held a calling other than being a missionary? it was such a weird feeling! yeah I'm still first counsler there in K ville but that will change soon. for the stake conference we sang in the men's choir on sat., it was way cool! its really weird to see so many different people.. and such an amount. I'm use to 40 tops! coming to church. Here they have upwards of 200!! the sun is changing here already.. it only goes so high before it starts to set.. for example right now its on its downward slope and it will be dark by 5. we have seen alot of success this week, however, kyiv is still really weird for me! I think its going to grow on me though. President himself set a baptismal date with someone this week... she agreed if he would find her a white dress to do it in! (an older classy type lady) she doesn't like the look of the jumpsuits. Its way crazy being here.. but I really love it! I'm glad everyone is doing well! and I hope I can catch up with the mission before she sends me home! lol I wish I could type more but I have alot to do still... I'll be better next week because of today! I love you and am doing great!
Старійшина Джонсон
So Mondays are always going to be crazy busy! we are usually in the office by 8 or 8:30 depending on traffic... I just did the weekly reports and it took me 4 different times to do them!!! excel programs and what not... their relentless!!! you make one mistake and they are unforgiving! such a program should not exist in a church mission office that believes and preaches repentance :P anyway I finally get to type to you all and tell you how the week went. so I meant to take pictures and send them your way however I am still trying to fix the camera and haven't found time. speaking of that Time FLY'S now! I blinked and the week was over! I like my new assignment and working right next to the temple is way cool! its a great missionary tool! this last Monday Elder Hofeling and I set a new baptismal date with somebody! (just like ole times) he is a way cool guy named Peter who is about our age! we work with president a lot here... so much in fact where I already know who my next companion is going to be.. and its going to happen quick to because elder hofeling goes home in 5 weeks... so I have to get this assistant thing down fast! however after this morning I don't think I have any excuse to ever mess up again! This last week was our Stake Conference.. do you know that this last week was the first week in the last two years that I had not held a calling other than being a missionary? it was such a weird feeling! yeah I'm still first counsler there in K ville but that will change soon. for the stake conference we sang in the men's choir on sat., it was way cool! its really weird to see so many different people.. and such an amount. I'm use to 40 tops! coming to church. Here they have upwards of 200!! the sun is changing here already.. it only goes so high before it starts to set.. for example right now its on its downward slope and it will be dark by 5. we have seen alot of success this week, however, kyiv is still really weird for me! I think its going to grow on me though. President himself set a baptismal date with someone this week... she agreed if he would find her a white dress to do it in! (an older classy type lady) she doesn't like the look of the jumpsuits. Its way crazy being here.. but I really love it! I'm glad everyone is doing well! and I hope I can catch up with the mission before she sends me home! lol I wish I could type more but I have alot to do still... I'll be better next week because of today! I love you and am doing great!
Старійшина Джонсон
Monday, October 31, 2011 a daze
Dear Everyone!
so check it out this last week was nuts! I'm still not all there though in the head. The YSA conference that was planned went great!! We ended up getting more than 40 people to it. Honestly we didn't really do anything, we just thought of the Idea, and then I "signed my life away", and the leaders from all the cities did their thing! it was kind of crazy, and at times a giant pain in the backside but it was варто! Of course the missionaries were not really apart of it, which makes sense because it was a YSA conference... also known as "a conference of potential marriages". However, some of the members here were pretty stubborn and not really looking to marry Ukrainians :) it was awesome! I ran my companion dry! haha as soon as we got home to plan he was in bed with the lights out! lol poor elder. I had an awesome time! we saw alot of familiar faces, alot of new ones. that was pretty much the end of the week! President has set a few standards as pertaining to the missionary work here, one that he is really going to town on is the investigators, always be finding. My companion has really jumped on bored! he was not really excited about transfers because of his new companion... however, right now I'm sitting in the mission office right next to the temple. No I do not stay at the mission home with president haha thats kind of silly. Elder Hofeling and I have a ..... (humbly saying) a VERY nice apartment here in kyiv. I have been there before. I'll have to fix my camera and takes some pictures at some point. by the way dad I had to take some money out because of the conference so, I still have all the money that I took out on me. I just had it reimbursed. afterwards was sunday, I gave myself the responsability to speak which was really nice! Some of our members broke down... I felt really bad. Almost didn't want to come. I'm very excited to be here in kyiv with Elder Hofeling! its way cool to be serving in our Third area together, for the Third time for only,... once again ONE transfer!!! and then he is going to leave me to figure out how to be an assistant with my next companion... lol whom I already know ;) anyway we jumped on a 7 hour bus because, there are no trains that went at the times we needed. It was very hot!!! and thats saying alot!!! I'm a warm person I know but everyone was complaining! so I finally got up and fixed the problem... which in response about 20 minutes later they cranked the heater right back on! some weird russian movie was on! I didn't like it. we got in about 12 at night :(... I'm way tired... I was just trained on how to run the office.. so yeah in one ear out the other... and then we have some funny transfers going on right now because Ukraine just made some new rules which makes it hard and this transfer impossible for the missionaries to come from America. I wanted to send pictures but .. . uh well I haven't touched my bags yet! so I'll send them next week. I'll be working around computers alot! so that will be different! We are deffinently headed into winter, I'm way excited to be working with president Klebingat. I wont know anything about travel unitl my last couple transfers and they will send the info to you before I get it. No dad I dont get a full ride scholarship lol thats just weird! so sister Garritt is trying to hook me up with a ukrianian??? lol thats kind of .. interesting I suppose. Yeah Elder Hofeling kind of remembers the Longhurst's! really is a small world anyway I'm way tired! I know that my emails are normally far more interesting but honestly I just want to sleep! I'm excited to serve! and we are going into the holidays so that is going to be way fun! tell everyone state side that I love em and will see them sooner than I want to haha
so check it out this last week was nuts! I'm still not all there though in the head. The YSA conference that was planned went great!! We ended up getting more than 40 people to it. Honestly we didn't really do anything, we just thought of the Idea, and then I "signed my life away", and the leaders from all the cities did their thing! it was kind of crazy, and at times a giant pain in the backside but it was варто! Of course the missionaries were not really apart of it, which makes sense because it was a YSA conference... also known as "a conference of potential marriages". However, some of the members here were pretty stubborn and not really looking to marry Ukrainians :) it was awesome! I ran my companion dry! haha as soon as we got home to plan he was in bed with the lights out! lol poor elder. I had an awesome time! we saw alot of familiar faces, alot of new ones. that was pretty much the end of the week! President has set a few standards as pertaining to the missionary work here, one that he is really going to town on is the investigators, always be finding. My companion has really jumped on bored! he was not really excited about transfers because of his new companion... however, right now I'm sitting in the mission office right next to the temple. No I do not stay at the mission home with president haha thats kind of silly. Elder Hofeling and I have a ..... (humbly saying) a VERY nice apartment here in kyiv. I have been there before. I'll have to fix my camera and takes some pictures at some point. by the way dad I had to take some money out because of the conference so, I still have all the money that I took out on me. I just had it reimbursed. afterwards was sunday, I gave myself the responsability to speak which was really nice! Some of our members broke down... I felt really bad. Almost didn't want to come. I'm very excited to be here in kyiv with Elder Hofeling! its way cool to be serving in our Third area together, for the Third time for only,... once again ONE transfer!!! and then he is going to leave me to figure out how to be an assistant with my next companion... lol whom I already know ;) anyway we jumped on a 7 hour bus because, there are no trains that went at the times we needed. It was very hot!!! and thats saying alot!!! I'm a warm person I know but everyone was complaining! so I finally got up and fixed the problem... which in response about 20 minutes later they cranked the heater right back on! some weird russian movie was on! I didn't like it. we got in about 12 at night :(... I'm way tired... I was just trained on how to run the office.. so yeah in one ear out the other... and then we have some funny transfers going on right now because Ukraine just made some new rules which makes it hard and this transfer impossible for the missionaries to come from America. I wanted to send pictures but .. . uh well I haven't touched my bags yet! so I'll send them next week. I'll be working around computers alot! so that will be different! We are deffinently headed into winter, I'm way excited to be working with president Klebingat. I wont know anything about travel unitl my last couple transfers and they will send the info to you before I get it. No dad I dont get a full ride scholarship lol thats just weird! so sister Garritt is trying to hook me up with a ukrianian??? lol thats kind of .. interesting I suppose. Yeah Elder Hofeling kind of remembers the Longhurst's! really is a small world anyway I'm way tired! I know that my emails are normally far more interesting but honestly I just want to sleep! I'm excited to serve! and we are going into the holidays so that is going to be way fun! tell everyone state side that I love em and will see them sooner than I want to haha
Monday, October 24, 2011
don't worry
Dear Wonderful everyone!
well to start off the letter, no I'm not in Kyiv yet to serve. We went there this last week for Leadership Training and then 7 hour train ride back. It was deffinently an interesting experience. (no dad the travel is on the mission) at the endof this week in principle I will be in Kyiv to serve. so yeah we started off the week in a threesome. my new companion, Elder Hair, and I and it was interesting, we found some cool people that later decided to investigate the church. What I have to report on this week is basically what went down in Kyiv. President said that this was the first one that he had heard of as far as what we did there. We had a skype call with another mission president and his assistants. It was the Samara Russia mission. they are the highest baptizing mission in Eastern Europe and have half the number of our missionaries. it was cool! I really enjoyed it, infact one of the missionaries on the screen there was one that was in the MTC when I was there... says alot about how old I am :S so anyway thats pretty much all the good news. all the rest of the news is not so great... and I would send dad his own specific email but I've learned from the past that mom knows the password. So yeah honestly I tried to stay away from yeah actually dad more of the craziness in Ukraine happens in Kyiv. So I'm on exchanges in Kyiv with Elder Reynolds (if you notice, he is the same elder that I ran into trouble with last year... about this time lol) so we are walking out around 6 or 7 and its pitch black. we are trying to find some people to talk to on the busy street. its tough because we dont know the area at all.. I have never served in Kyiv and he hadn't either. We were walking by one of the resteraunts there when these three guys were talking amongst all these other people but I noticed these three in specific, anyway so I keep watching while walking and I can tell its an arguement. one of the guys takes two swings, a right and a left and knocks one out cold and the other guy just gets knocked back he then proceeds and flips out a knife. obviously that was our exit. any walking furthur away but down by the apartment that we were going to stay at. its really hard ( I think) to contact at night but we were still trying, talked to some nice people in the apartment complex, found out where some members lived, lol that was a funny story. anyway Elder Reynolds contacts these two people, older, man and woman and they were way nice. we finish the conversation and walk off. as we do this guy in a tuareg SUV has his door open, or opens it I dont remember about 20 paces from us, he beckons us to come over. This was right after the previous contact so we thought that perhaps he wanted to know more or what was so interesting about it. I came over to him and he asks in Russian what we are doing here, I told him we were representatives of our church, of Jesus Christ. He then said something in Russian that I didn't quite understand and I thought he asked about our Visa's, but now that I had time to think about it he was using the word "to see" in the conjigated "I" form which sounds like Visa. Anyway at the time I didn't understand so I said "what?" he then said something totally different. Now I was pretty sure I understood him, but the languages can be so unpredictable with Idioms, culture, so I asked to say it again but in Ukrainian... well .. unfortunantly it was exactly what I thought he had said. He reached for my dangling tie from his sitting position and what I had asked him to repeat was "I'm going to break you legs". Anyway This guy yanks down on the tie bringin me in closer( a really nice tie, one that I really liked...jerk lol) I stepped back and slammed my left hand down on the tie to break his grip mean while cranken up the right one to "clean is clock". I dont know how I was thinking normally at this time but I thought to myself ... this man isn't drunk. I couldn't smell anything, nice car, and he was dressed nice... and he started the fight without any invitation from us. well 1+1=2, I figure if I was him I wouldn't start some random fight with strangers unless I had the advantage, especially rich lookin guys like ourselves. I didn't want to find out the advantage. Stocky guy, had a gut, but was built in the shoulders. I got loose and he tells me that he never wants to see us here again. I told him that was stupid that we live here, he then asked well duh, what was I born yesterday. said I'm not stupid and I'm not going to tell him, he says "fine, then you live in that apartment quietly and I dont ever want to see or hear from you again" I called him a "fool" and walked off. (yeah probably shouldn't have called him a fool but still, we hadn't done anything) yelled after us, "did you understand me!!!" and we just kept walking. problem was is this was like right next to the assistants apartment. an apartment that as far as I understand it... I'll be occupying soon. oh boy.. yeah so... it wasn't the best experience. but what do you do... our fellow brotheren that we love and hope to convince dont' always use there God given heads. anyway! later! so I have pretty much signed my life away! haha in Kyiv I had to figure out how to pay for this Youth Conference that we organized... talked to elder Park at the office (you need to talk to the office if you coming) and he made me sign this paper and then he gave me 10 "G"'s to pay for this thing... woof! so I'm hoping to get rif of it all soon. because of circumstances we couldn't do it Electronically. this sunday was kind of stressful... president took the assignment of assigning talks from me this week and then assigned me to what the heck! so I prepped a talk that I actually felt ready for.. I still had to play the piano this week again... :( poor members. and then found out that everyone who was supposed to prepare the lesson for the second hour didn't... oi vey. so I pounded on the piano, DIDN"T give me talk because we had a member talk for a half hour ... :S and then the sunday school lesson was mine! aug! lol I couldn't but laugh at it all but still... I was happy to sleep last night. this week was interesting and so yeah I'll be in Kyiv I beleive at the end of this week! right after the conference which should be really good!
GET CHRIS"S PAPERS DONE! and dont tell me that there done... until there done! lol he bryndon good job! I hope you get the job! that would be sweet! heard nothing from taleya today... so hope she is well and thank you mom and dad for the fact that you exist. I told you that thats a big compliment here when you thank someone for the fact "that they are" is how you say it. my birthday was alright. the entire city was out of water so resteraunts were pretty much a no go! but it was still cool! had people call and sing me happy birthday from cities that I have served in. another called that I didn't know and after singing just hung up, lol however we have connections and I figured it out. ... I think. all is well I suppose here... the holidays are right around the corner so this is going to get alot faster! ... and so you know its Elder Hofeling, thats his name... not Elder Hofelinger. The sisters said that the members in Rivne put up a video of the wedding... lol kind of emberrassing because I did mess up. tell me how it is. Love you guys! keep me posted
well to start off the letter, no I'm not in Kyiv yet to serve. We went there this last week for Leadership Training and then 7 hour train ride back. It was deffinently an interesting experience. (no dad the travel is on the mission) at the endof this week in principle I will be in Kyiv to serve. so yeah we started off the week in a threesome. my new companion, Elder Hair, and I and it was interesting, we found some cool people that later decided to investigate the church. What I have to report on this week is basically what went down in Kyiv. President said that this was the first one that he had heard of as far as what we did there. We had a skype call with another mission president and his assistants. It was the Samara Russia mission. they are the highest baptizing mission in Eastern Europe and have half the number of our missionaries. it was cool! I really enjoyed it, infact one of the missionaries on the screen there was one that was in the MTC when I was there... says alot about how old I am :S so anyway thats pretty much all the good news. all the rest of the news is not so great... and I would send dad his own specific email but I've learned from the past that mom knows the password. So yeah honestly I tried to stay away from yeah actually dad more of the craziness in Ukraine happens in Kyiv. So I'm on exchanges in Kyiv with Elder Reynolds (if you notice, he is the same elder that I ran into trouble with last year... about this time lol) so we are walking out around 6 or 7 and its pitch black. we are trying to find some people to talk to on the busy street. its tough because we dont know the area at all.. I have never served in Kyiv and he hadn't either. We were walking by one of the resteraunts there when these three guys were talking amongst all these other people but I noticed these three in specific, anyway so I keep watching while walking and I can tell its an arguement. one of the guys takes two swings, a right and a left and knocks one out cold and the other guy just gets knocked back he then proceeds and flips out a knife. obviously that was our exit. any walking furthur away but down by the apartment that we were going to stay at. its really hard ( I think) to contact at night but we were still trying, talked to some nice people in the apartment complex, found out where some members lived, lol that was a funny story. anyway Elder Reynolds contacts these two people, older, man and woman and they were way nice. we finish the conversation and walk off. as we do this guy in a tuareg SUV has his door open, or opens it I dont remember about 20 paces from us, he beckons us to come over. This was right after the previous contact so we thought that perhaps he wanted to know more or what was so interesting about it. I came over to him and he asks in Russian what we are doing here, I told him we were representatives of our church, of Jesus Christ. He then said something in Russian that I didn't quite understand and I thought he asked about our Visa's, but now that I had time to think about it he was using the word "to see" in the conjigated "I" form which sounds like Visa. Anyway at the time I didn't understand so I said "what?" he then said something totally different. Now I was pretty sure I understood him, but the languages can be so unpredictable with Idioms, culture, so I asked to say it again but in Ukrainian... well .. unfortunantly it was exactly what I thought he had said. He reached for my dangling tie from his sitting position and what I had asked him to repeat was "I'm going to break you legs". Anyway This guy yanks down on the tie bringin me in closer( a really nice tie, one that I really liked...jerk lol) I stepped back and slammed my left hand down on the tie to break his grip mean while cranken up the right one to "clean is clock". I dont know how I was thinking normally at this time but I thought to myself ... this man isn't drunk. I couldn't smell anything, nice car, and he was dressed nice... and he started the fight without any invitation from us. well 1+1=2, I figure if I was him I wouldn't start some random fight with strangers unless I had the advantage, especially rich lookin guys like ourselves. I didn't want to find out the advantage. Stocky guy, had a gut, but was built in the shoulders. I got loose and he tells me that he never wants to see us here again. I told him that was stupid that we live here, he then asked well duh, what was I born yesterday. said I'm not stupid and I'm not going to tell him, he says "fine, then you live in that apartment quietly and I dont ever want to see or hear from you again" I called him a "fool" and walked off. (yeah probably shouldn't have called him a fool but still, we hadn't done anything) yelled after us, "did you understand me!!!" and we just kept walking. problem was is this was like right next to the assistants apartment. an apartment that as far as I understand it... I'll be occupying soon. oh boy.. yeah so... it wasn't the best experience. but what do you do... our fellow brotheren that we love and hope to convince dont' always use there God given heads. anyway! later! so I have pretty much signed my life away! haha in Kyiv I had to figure out how to pay for this Youth Conference that we organized... talked to elder Park at the office (you need to talk to the office if you coming) and he made me sign this paper and then he gave me 10 "G"'s to pay for this thing... woof! so I'm hoping to get rif of it all soon. because of circumstances we couldn't do it Electronically. this sunday was kind of stressful... president took the assignment of assigning talks from me this week and then assigned me to what the heck! so I prepped a talk that I actually felt ready for.. I still had to play the piano this week again... :( poor members. and then found out that everyone who was supposed to prepare the lesson for the second hour didn't... oi vey. so I pounded on the piano, DIDN"T give me talk because we had a member talk for a half hour ... :S and then the sunday school lesson was mine! aug! lol I couldn't but laugh at it all but still... I was happy to sleep last night. this week was interesting and so yeah I'll be in Kyiv I beleive at the end of this week! right after the conference which should be really good!
GET CHRIS"S PAPERS DONE! and dont tell me that there done... until there done! lol he bryndon good job! I hope you get the job! that would be sweet! heard nothing from taleya today... so hope she is well and thank you mom and dad for the fact that you exist. I told you that thats a big compliment here when you thank someone for the fact "that they are" is how you say it. my birthday was alright. the entire city was out of water so resteraunts were pretty much a no go! but it was still cool! had people call and sing me happy birthday from cities that I have served in. another called that I didn't know and after singing just hung up, lol however we have connections and I figured it out. ... I think. all is well I suppose here... the holidays are right around the corner so this is going to get alot faster! ... and so you know its Elder Hofeling, thats his name... not Elder Hofelinger. The sisters said that the members in Rivne put up a video of the wedding... lol kind of emberrassing because I did mess up. tell me how it is. Love you guys! keep me posted
Старійшина Джонсон
Monday, October 17, 2011
.....oh boy.. Patriarical blessing moment
Dear beloved family and friends,
so this was week 5 of 7 weeks this transfer, and we did pretty good. Elder larson and I found quite a bit this week, had some funny experiences, some rough ones, the YSA activity that we have planned to go down here in K ville is running into some bumps, and the branch is still small (5active members strong/with 40 on the list), we still meet in the soccer stadium where you can enjoy the sound of a nice soccer game and then the beat from the music of the strip club just below us. This week the responsability of not just sitting next president on the stand but occupying myself with the chair behind the paino aswell was given to me, trying to pound the notes hoping to overpower the 1300 watt bass below :P then friday. so I'm sitting in my chair waisted from working out and tired because its the morning about 7:30 and I get a call from president Klebingat. assuming he is going to address the questions I had about the YSA activity that I have been bugging him about. "good morning president, this is Elder Johnson" replies "good morning, is your companion next to you?" (that always means something is about to go down) so I speaker the phone and we sit there as he explains to us that he is about to do something a little crazy! one of our other cities is not really taking head to presidents council at all, and they dont see any success, there kind of waisting time and so he tells us he wants to do a mini transfer (ninja transfers we call em, because nobody really knows about them right away )before transfers... I thought to myself... "self, you have been here for 3 transfers already.... looks like your headed out" and then came presidents statement "Elder Larson you are leaving to Vinnitsya" (wheeew dodged that bullet!, I really wanted to stay) so cool alright I'm getting a new companion (elder Carnes) for the next two and a half weeks. It felt like president said it in one breath, all this info, and we are stuck there still kind of just blinking our eye's trying to soak it all in in the morning, because it sure threw a wrench into our plans.... had planning, meetings, also another news intereview (that was cool) oh by the way! your boy Elder Johnson and his englishman friends made the front page of the city magazine! and they stuck a picture of me on it. they interviewed us again and we will be on another one this thursday haha anyway! so now elder Larson has to pack and he starts freakin...well we do! because we both are silently in our heads trying to figure out that day and how we are NOW going to be able to do everything.... so meanwhile we are in our heads trying to give attention also to president he mentions one more bit of info that he said had to stay inbetween the three of us. obviously that caught our attention and he tells me that he has requested me to come to kyiv at the end of the transfer to come work by him as Assistant for probably the rest of my mission...... with Elder Hofeling haha AGAIN!!!! hehe a third time. Now you have to understand that first of all transfer information for one reason or another is very important to missionaries especially when it relates to you, and yeah every missionary has his ideas secretly back in his head of where he might be going next... wether he voices them or not, I honestly thought I was headed to Leviv to replace Elder Angerhofer. Neither one of us expected the mini transfer let alone where I was going to be headed... so .. yeah once we got our jaws back up and sat in our chairs for a good 5 silent minutes! we just busted up laughing! haha it was way funny! neither of us could have even fathomned what was going to happen. president said they will be there today and told us to have a great day! haha so they came, said our goodbye's and hello's and off we went... that was one of the more successful days of the mission... and also one of the wierdest weathered. We got snow in the morning (light) and it stopped, then me and Elder Carnes are out and about trying to find and starts REALLY snowing! and then raining, and then hailing! haha I just laughed. sometime between the snow and the rain we did end up finding two brand new people who wanted to know more and have scheduled other meetings for this week! cool guys, one is 16! so we have a successful day! I honestly think the only reason they were not have success down in their city before he got here was just lack of the drive because he was working great with me! and still is! he will be "dying" soon is what we call it, and has only a transfer left on his mission after this. (he is the next Ukrainian Group ahead of me... if that puts it into perspective, it goes first ukrainian elders come in and then 6 weeks russian elders come in and then after 6 weeks ukrainian and so on and so on)so yeah! this is one of my last couple pdays here in K ville :( but way excited not only to serve with Elder Hofeling again but with President aswell! Thanks for the birthday wishes.... yeah I know I'm old! ... but taleya! you have a kid already so... I mean you can just call ME old... but sista you gots ProoF!!!! haha and she's about 8 ounces :D I'm glad Chris is ready to go on the mission! bryndon keep it up! and dad your are a Молодец!! keep it up! Love you mom and I'm glad that right around the corner I'll be talking to you ALLLL ( I hope) on skype come Christmas! ... lol And I'll be reporting from Kyiv as it were... kind of funny I never wanted to serve in Kyiv, I like the west, and I hope my last transfer they let me loose again out that way! well I love you and I'm grateful for all of the emials. yes dad I'll be careful with the funds thanks again. by the way.. had a man tell me that Joseph (earthly father of Jesus) was half Ukrainian haha ... I said to myself "yeah just like you guys think you won world war two haha " funny ... anwyay bye!
I forgot to say meanwhile president calling, our power decided to go out right before he called but right after Elder Larson had started his laundry and before I had taken a shower ...haha a man that was good stuff! what can you do but laugh
Старійшина Джонсон
so this was week 5 of 7 weeks this transfer, and we did pretty good. Elder larson and I found quite a bit this week, had some funny experiences, some rough ones, the YSA activity that we have planned to go down here in K ville is running into some bumps, and the branch is still small (5active members strong/with 40 on the list), we still meet in the soccer stadium where you can enjoy the sound of a nice soccer game and then the beat from the music of the strip club just below us. This week the responsability of not just sitting next president on the stand but occupying myself with the chair behind the paino aswell was given to me, trying to pound the notes hoping to overpower the 1300 watt bass below :P then friday. so I'm sitting in my chair waisted from working out and tired because its the morning about 7:30 and I get a call from president Klebingat. assuming he is going to address the questions I had about the YSA activity that I have been bugging him about. "good morning president, this is Elder Johnson" replies "good morning, is your companion next to you?" (that always means something is about to go down) so I speaker the phone and we sit there as he explains to us that he is about to do something a little crazy! one of our other cities is not really taking head to presidents council at all, and they dont see any success, there kind of waisting time and so he tells us he wants to do a mini transfer (ninja transfers we call em, because nobody really knows about them right away )before transfers... I thought to myself... "self, you have been here for 3 transfers already.... looks like your headed out" and then came presidents statement "Elder Larson you are leaving to Vinnitsya" (wheeew dodged that bullet!, I really wanted to stay) so cool alright I'm getting a new companion (elder Carnes) for the next two and a half weeks. It felt like president said it in one breath, all this info, and we are stuck there still kind of just blinking our eye's trying to soak it all in in the morning, because it sure threw a wrench into our plans.... had planning, meetings, also another news intereview (that was cool) oh by the way! your boy Elder Johnson and his englishman friends made the front page of the city magazine! and they stuck a picture of me on it. they interviewed us again and we will be on another one this thursday haha anyway! so now elder Larson has to pack and he starts freakin...well we do! because we both are silently in our heads trying to figure out that day and how we are NOW going to be able to do everything.... so meanwhile we are in our heads trying to give attention also to president he mentions one more bit of info that he said had to stay inbetween the three of us. obviously that caught our attention and he tells me that he has requested me to come to kyiv at the end of the transfer to come work by him as Assistant for probably the rest of my mission...... with Elder Hofeling haha AGAIN!!!! hehe a third time. Now you have to understand that first of all transfer information for one reason or another is very important to missionaries especially when it relates to you, and yeah every missionary has his ideas secretly back in his head of where he might be going next... wether he voices them or not, I honestly thought I was headed to Leviv to replace Elder Angerhofer. Neither one of us expected the mini transfer let alone where I was going to be headed... so .. yeah once we got our jaws back up and sat in our chairs for a good 5 silent minutes! we just busted up laughing! haha it was way funny! neither of us could have even fathomned what was going to happen. president said they will be there today and told us to have a great day! haha so they came, said our goodbye's and hello's and off we went... that was one of the more successful days of the mission... and also one of the wierdest weathered. We got snow in the morning (light) and it stopped, then me and Elder Carnes are out and about trying to find and starts REALLY snowing! and then raining, and then hailing! haha I just laughed. sometime between the snow and the rain we did end up finding two brand new people who wanted to know more and have scheduled other meetings for this week! cool guys, one is 16! so we have a successful day! I honestly think the only reason they were not have success down in their city before he got here was just lack of the drive because he was working great with me! and still is! he will be "dying" soon is what we call it, and has only a transfer left on his mission after this. (he is the next Ukrainian Group ahead of me... if that puts it into perspective, it goes first ukrainian elders come in and then 6 weeks russian elders come in and then after 6 weeks ukrainian and so on and so on)so yeah! this is one of my last couple pdays here in K ville :( but way excited not only to serve with Elder Hofeling again but with President aswell! Thanks for the birthday wishes.... yeah I know I'm old! ... but taleya! you have a kid already so... I mean you can just call ME old... but sista you gots ProoF!!!! haha and she's about 8 ounces :D I'm glad Chris is ready to go on the mission! bryndon keep it up! and dad your are a Молодец!! keep it up! Love you mom and I'm glad that right around the corner I'll be talking to you ALLLL ( I hope) on skype come Christmas! ... lol And I'll be reporting from Kyiv as it were... kind of funny I never wanted to serve in Kyiv, I like the west, and I hope my last transfer they let me loose again out that way! well I love you and I'm grateful for all of the emials. yes dad I'll be careful with the funds thanks again. by the way.. had a man tell me that Joseph (earthly father of Jesus) was half Ukrainian haha ... I said to myself "yeah just like you guys think you won world war two haha " funny ... anwyay bye!
I forgot to say meanwhile president calling, our power decided to go out right before he called but right after Elder Larson had started his laundry and before I had taken a shower ...haha a man that was good stuff! what can you do but laugh
Старійшина Джонсон
Monday, October 10, 2011
Go through the finish line, not to it.
Dear everyone,
I would like to start off this letter with ... (ahem) YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha I'm so glad that Paisley is finally here, however I dont understand still why we call her paisley when her first name is Jordyn... somebody explain please. this week I must say was probably one of the best weeks of my mission! It was slow but we saw miracles happen. One of them being the marriage between some really close friends back in Rivne! I asked around to the leaders when Volodimyr asked me to come sing at his wedding. President Klebingat told me that it was up to me... I pondered for a while and then read in my Patriarical blessing about how I can invite other people by the talents that I have... so well long story short I went and I sang my heart out with a sister there! it was probably one of the best contacting Ideas we have ever done! I had a member go on and make me add them so that she could put pictures up. Ira Yakavenko is her name, she is a cool photographer, taleya you would like her. oh by the way... in Conference when sister Elaine S Dalton made her comments you know who I thought of? lol I was like wow this is specifically for them! haha great conference I thought it was awesome! oh yeah by the way I also ... random note if Josh was ever Ukrainian I found him. this guy who drove us to Rivne was like the spitting image of Josh but with a russian tongue. I really enjoyed this week and am way happy that everyone is doing well! so yeah ... yeah so um family! I had a quick question, have you talked to mr. mac yet about the suit? also I was curious about my computer... so the computer I bought is completely distroyed now? thats really stinks.... :S well on a better note I'm sending pictures this week. so here ya go ... love ya!
Старійшина Джонсон
I would like to start off this letter with ... (ahem) YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha I'm so glad that Paisley is finally here, however I dont understand still why we call her paisley when her first name is Jordyn... somebody explain please. this week I must say was probably one of the best weeks of my mission! It was slow but we saw miracles happen. One of them being the marriage between some really close friends back in Rivne! I asked around to the leaders when Volodimyr asked me to come sing at his wedding. President Klebingat told me that it was up to me... I pondered for a while and then read in my Patriarical blessing about how I can invite other people by the talents that I have... so well long story short I went and I sang my heart out with a sister there! it was probably one of the best contacting Ideas we have ever done! I had a member go on and make me add them so that she could put pictures up. Ira Yakavenko is her name, she is a cool photographer, taleya you would like her. oh by the way... in Conference when sister Elaine S Dalton made her comments you know who I thought of? lol I was like wow this is specifically for them! haha great conference I thought it was awesome! oh yeah by the way I also ... random note if Josh was ever Ukrainian I found him. this guy who drove us to Rivne was like the spitting image of Josh but with a russian tongue. I really enjoyed this week and am way happy that everyone is doing well! so yeah ... yeah so um family! I had a quick question, have you talked to mr. mac yet about the suit? also I was curious about my computer... so the computer I bought is completely distroyed now? thats really stinks.... :S well on a better note I'm sending pictures this week. so here ya go ... love ya!
Старійшина Джонсон
Monday, October 3, 2011
Happy Birthday to those who are on their first and those beyond half a century :P
Message body
Hello everybody!
well its about time! I saw the pictures that dad sent of Jordyn! she is way cute! and that is still so weird! I'm way excited to meet her! I'm glad everything went well. Im sorry the birth problems you had going on Taleya... but I'm way glad she got here ok! wow guys thats way cool! I've totally forgotten all that I wanted to say! I'm so distracted by the pictures and the wonderful good news. this week was alright! the next week will be better! I'm headed to Rivne for Vova's wedding. I think I told you that he requested that I sing at his wedding.. its way cool and president Klebingat is down with it. so we will be there this week. yeah I did see a little bit of the first saturdau session of conference..I did see president monson and what he said, and the news about the temples are awesome! I'm way stoked! wow gosh guys I dont know what else to say! i'm an uncle! wow! I'm old! but you wanna know who's older? DAD!!!! haha happy birthday! bet you thought I forgot huh!? well Happy Birthday everyone! I"m sorry thisis so short but I forgot alot of what I wanted to say! i'm way excited for everyone! Cool!
so Happy Birthday! Love you all!
Старійшина Джонсон
so Happy Birthday! Love you all!
Старійшина Джонсон
Monday, September 26, 2011
Bryndon and Christopher
Hello Hello Hello!
Greetings from Ukraine! I'm doing well, we just finished our first week on a new transfer and well ... its going. This week was interesting because it was the cities birthday. This city has been a city longer than our country has been a country. 580 years old. so ... naturally, everyone was drunk. :S The World is on its way to ........ a really really bad place. :P It made it really hard to contact people because one they didn't want to talk to us and two if they did it was because they were plastered. Obviously we deviated and tried by other means to talk to people but yeah... was really tough. One of our member here Roman, He is 17 and plays the drums, he was in the parade on saturday and then wanted us to go support him on sund around 5 in the park. we figured cool we can do that and maybe talk to some of his friends there, maybe get a few cool people to teach. well we go there and ... apparently the celebrations just go until they say because according to them it was still the cities birthday. Everyone was drinking, some were dancing. It was a small stage that he was going to be playing on and he told us that he was the 2nd one. ..... long story short .. he wasn't. instead about 9 belly dancers came out!!! for the love of pete! it literally smacked us all in the face and I looked towards Roman, he gives me an "I have no idea" look. and so I sent the other elders on exchanges, we ditched the tags and left to another end of the park until they were done. came back. more belly dancers. ...ou vey! same ruitine. He FINALLY got to play and it was way good. He felt way bad but he didn't know. This week we found two new investigators, way cool people! I gave her husband a requested blessing. I commanded him to stand and be with health. he started to cry, when he arose he did so without us. you see we had to basically carrying him in the room. He recently suffered a stroke. so we carried him in the room and he carried himself out! we hope to have them baptized in 3 weeks. next meeting is this week. that was one of the more perfect lessons Heavenly Father helped us teach. awesome experience!
The leaves have already been changing and the chill is in the air and I think we can expect a REALLY cold winter! because we had a really mild summer. Dad as for flight numbers I wont find out until about the last 3 months and even then they are going to send them to you. If you are connecting to my flight then we are leaving like the 6th or 7th of march. I cant really do anything you guys have to contact the mission office here and talk to them about the whole thing. I beleive this is the email to the mission office. The names are Elder and Sister Park so you will have to get intouch with them. They pretty much leave me out of the whole thing until the end. I honesntly think it would be better if you guys came back with me, meaning so I go home and then we go back. because I will be a missionary while here and so I wont get to do alot of things you might want to do. I dont know if the stake president can release me over the phone but I just think it might be better that way. you'd get your money's worth out of it because then I could show you Ukraine. and not just Kyiv. but thats all up to you.
the work is way hard right now! we are you could say just nourishing the garden, hoping for an awesome bloom. I'm glad Chris is getting done! get the signature and get him out! tell bryndon he is a молодець . yeah the travel by taxi is a huge cost but president says if the presidency says no more night travel then we are going to do anything to obey! money isn't an issue. In October we are are doing an activity that our district thought up of and we are inviting 3 other cities to come join in with us. we have made alot of progress thus far. it will be a YSA and president Klebingat is on board. we are way excited!
Also I recieved a call from Rivne, and they want me to come sing at a wedding of some close members of mine down there. I really want to! awesome chance to share my talent, my comp doesn't really want to. President thinks its cool but he is going to let me decide wether ornot to go. the Zone leaders siad do it! so we will see, I might just go on exchanges to do it. well yeah so family I love you, I hope you ALL are doing well! Yes Aunt Robin I got the package a while back! it was way cool! and I appreciated it big time! tell Rosy and Uncle Brett I said Hi! Taleya... just go jump on a trampolien :D ..kidding dont do that! Я вас люблю!
Greetings from Ukraine! I'm doing well, we just finished our first week on a new transfer and well ... its going. This week was interesting because it was the cities birthday. This city has been a city longer than our country has been a country. 580 years old. so ... naturally, everyone was drunk. :S The World is on its way to ........ a really really bad place. :P It made it really hard to contact people because one they didn't want to talk to us and two if they did it was because they were plastered. Obviously we deviated and tried by other means to talk to people but yeah... was really tough. One of our member here Roman, He is 17 and plays the drums, he was in the parade on saturday and then wanted us to go support him on sund around 5 in the park. we figured cool we can do that and maybe talk to some of his friends there, maybe get a few cool people to teach. well we go there and ... apparently the celebrations just go until they say because according to them it was still the cities birthday. Everyone was drinking, some were dancing. It was a small stage that he was going to be playing on and he told us that he was the 2nd one. ..... long story short .. he wasn't. instead about 9 belly dancers came out!!! for the love of pete! it literally smacked us all in the face and I looked towards Roman, he gives me an "I have no idea" look. and so I sent the other elders on exchanges, we ditched the tags and left to another end of the park until they were done. came back. more belly dancers. ...ou vey! same ruitine. He FINALLY got to play and it was way good. He felt way bad but he didn't know. This week we found two new investigators, way cool people! I gave her husband a requested blessing. I commanded him to stand and be with health. he started to cry, when he arose he did so without us. you see we had to basically carrying him in the room. He recently suffered a stroke. so we carried him in the room and he carried himself out! we hope to have them baptized in 3 weeks. next meeting is this week. that was one of the more perfect lessons Heavenly Father helped us teach. awesome experience!
The leaves have already been changing and the chill is in the air and I think we can expect a REALLY cold winter! because we had a really mild summer. Dad as for flight numbers I wont find out until about the last 3 months and even then they are going to send them to you. If you are connecting to my flight then we are leaving like the 6th or 7th of march. I cant really do anything you guys have to contact the mission office here and talk to them about the whole thing. I beleive this is the email to the mission office. The names are Elder and Sister Park so you will have to get intouch with them. They pretty much leave me out of the whole thing until the end. I honesntly think it would be better if you guys came back with me, meaning so I go home and then we go back. because I will be a missionary while here and so I wont get to do alot of things you might want to do. I dont know if the stake president can release me over the phone but I just think it might be better that way. you'd get your money's worth out of it because then I could show you Ukraine. and not just Kyiv. but thats all up to you.
the work is way hard right now! we are you could say just nourishing the garden, hoping for an awesome bloom. I'm glad Chris is getting done! get the signature and get him out! tell bryndon he is a молодець . yeah the travel by taxi is a huge cost but president says if the presidency says no more night travel then we are going to do anything to obey! money isn't an issue. In October we are are doing an activity that our district thought up of and we are inviting 3 other cities to come join in with us. we have made alot of progress thus far. it will be a YSA and president Klebingat is on board. we are way excited!
Also I recieved a call from Rivne, and they want me to come sing at a wedding of some close members of mine down there. I really want to! awesome chance to share my talent, my comp doesn't really want to. President thinks its cool but he is going to let me decide wether ornot to go. the Zone leaders siad do it! so we will see, I might just go on exchanges to do it. well yeah so family I love you, I hope you ALL are doing well! Yes Aunt Robin I got the package a while back! it was way cool! and I appreciated it big time! tell Rosy and Uncle Brett I said Hi! Taleya... just go jump on a trampolien :D ..kidding dont do that! Я вас люблю!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Hello again,
so a long week of traveling (by taxi) and we are finally back in Kmelnitsky. this week has been sort of a run around. Lots of meetings, lots of... self reflection. which I think happens when you dont have to start thinking about a zone anymore. I've come accross the subject of repentence. Its really a cool thing aside from its reputation as being a horrible word, and hard to accept. Its a gift and good news for us, however, not surprisingly satan has certainly capitalized on making it something bad or something we fear. Repentance- in hebrew means "return to God". It was a gift bestowed on us by the Savior so that we can return back and live worthy of the blessings of heaven with our Heavenly Father. I Thought a little more about it this week and came to an understanding that the Gospel of Christ (faith, repentence, baptism, gift of the holy ghost, and enduring to the end) is a earthly principle. Its a "till death do we part thing" if you will. Faith- is not a perfect knowledge of things, but we will have that perfect knowledge of things in the next life, Repentence - Christ mission is fullfilled when we return into the presence of our Heavenly Father. Baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost are normally just a one time thing. and enduring to the end... well there will be no end.Repentence is such an awesome step closer to our Heavenly Father, a step to become better. I wonder why people are so afraid of it. maybe yeah its because you dont want to maybe accept that you did this or that, or maybe you dont want others to know because how you said it in you letter mom, people judge. I think that what first has to happen is to have an understanding that the One who can make this all go away, and who's judgements yes you should be afraid of is waiting for you to make a decision. He is waiting for you to "return to God". repentence requires a person to be humble, its not a choice you have to be humble for true repentence. If your still fighting and justifying, and still trying to hide parts of you away, something is wrong. we are not to hide our God given light, we are to let it shine before men that they may see our good works and glorify our Father in Heaven. and if its not shining then we should do something quick to flick it back on. We were ment to shine the verse says and not to hide. to keep shining until that light can become brighter and brighter until the perfect day.
Everyone seems to be doing great! I'm glad to hear, yeah taleya I hope you pop soon. that will be a once in a lifetime I suppose (atleast with your first) I'm doing good here, I'm helping people, trying to get them to change for the better....with the thought that if I'm out inviting people to change for the better then I had better be doing the same. I hope all is well. and i'm sorry this is short. lots to do today. Love you guys
Старійшина Джонсон
so a long week of traveling (by taxi) and we are finally back in Kmelnitsky. this week has been sort of a run around. Lots of meetings, lots of... self reflection. which I think happens when you dont have to start thinking about a zone anymore. I've come accross the subject of repentence. Its really a cool thing aside from its reputation as being a horrible word, and hard to accept. Its a gift and good news for us, however, not surprisingly satan has certainly capitalized on making it something bad or something we fear. Repentance- in hebrew means "return to God". It was a gift bestowed on us by the Savior so that we can return back and live worthy of the blessings of heaven with our Heavenly Father. I Thought a little more about it this week and came to an understanding that the Gospel of Christ (faith, repentence, baptism, gift of the holy ghost, and enduring to the end) is a earthly principle. Its a "till death do we part thing" if you will. Faith- is not a perfect knowledge of things, but we will have that perfect knowledge of things in the next life, Repentence - Christ mission is fullfilled when we return into the presence of our Heavenly Father. Baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost are normally just a one time thing. and enduring to the end... well there will be no end.Repentence is such an awesome step closer to our Heavenly Father, a step to become better. I wonder why people are so afraid of it. maybe yeah its because you dont want to maybe accept that you did this or that, or maybe you dont want others to know because how you said it in you letter mom, people judge. I think that what first has to happen is to have an understanding that the One who can make this all go away, and who's judgements yes you should be afraid of is waiting for you to make a decision. He is waiting for you to "return to God". repentence requires a person to be humble, its not a choice you have to be humble for true repentence. If your still fighting and justifying, and still trying to hide parts of you away, something is wrong. we are not to hide our God given light, we are to let it shine before men that they may see our good works and glorify our Father in Heaven. and if its not shining then we should do something quick to flick it back on. We were ment to shine the verse says and not to hide. to keep shining until that light can become brighter and brighter until the perfect day.
Everyone seems to be doing great! I'm glad to hear, yeah taleya I hope you pop soon. that will be a once in a lifetime I suppose (atleast with your first) I'm doing good here, I'm helping people, trying to get them to change for the better....with the thought that if I'm out inviting people to change for the better then I had better be doing the same. I hope all is well. and i'm sorry this is short. lots to do today. Love you guys
Старійшина Джонсон
Hello again,
so a long week of traveling (by taxi) and we are finally back in Kmelnitsky. this week has been sort of a run around. Lots of meetings, lots of... self reflection. which I think happens when you dont have to start thinking about a zone anymore. I've come accross the subject of repentence. Its really a cool thing aside from its reputation as being a horrible word, and hard to accept. Its a gift and good news for us, however, not surprisingly satan has certainly capitalized on making it something bad or something we fear. Repentance- in hebrew means "return to God". It was a gift bestowed on us by the Savior so that we can return back and live worthy of the blessings of heaven with our Heavenly Father. I Thought a little more about it this week and came to an understanding that the Gospel of Christ (faith, repentence, baptism, gift of the holy ghost, and enduring to the end) is a earthly principle. Its a "till death do we part thing" if you will. Faith- is not a perfect knowledge of things, but we will have that perfect knowledge of things in the next life, Repentence - Christ mission is fullfilled when we return into the presence of our Heavenly Father. Baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost are normally just a one time thing. and enduring to the end... well there will be no end.Repentence is such an awesome step closer to our Heavenly Father, a step to become better. I wonder why people are so afraid of it. maybe yeah its because you dont want to maybe accept that you did this or that, or maybe you dont want others to know because how you said it in you letter mom, people judge. I think that what first has to happen is to have an understanding that the One who can make this all go away, and who's judgements yes you should be afraid of is waiting for you to make a decision. He is waiting for you to "return to God". repentence requires a person to be humble, its not a choice you have to be humble for true repentence. If your still fighting and justifying, and still trying to hide parts of you away, something is wrong. we are not to hide our God given light, we are to let it shine before men that they may see our good works and glorify our Father in Heaven. and if its not shining then we should do something quick to flick it back on. We were ment to shine the verse says and not to hide. to keep shining until that light can become brighter and brighter until the perfect day.
Everyone seems to be doing great! I'm glad to hear, yeah taleya I hope you pop soon. that will be a once in a lifetime I suppose (atleast with your first) I'm doing good here, I'm helping people, trying to get them to change for the better....with the thought that if I'm out inviting people to change for the better then I had better be doing the same. I hope all is well. and i'm sorry this is short. lots to do today. Love you guys
Старійшина Джонсон
so a long week of traveling (by taxi) and we are finally back in Kmelnitsky. this week has been sort of a run around. Lots of meetings, lots of... self reflection. which I think happens when you dont have to start thinking about a zone anymore. I've come accross the subject of repentence. Its really a cool thing aside from its reputation as being a horrible word, and hard to accept. Its a gift and good news for us, however, not surprisingly satan has certainly capitalized on making it something bad or something we fear. Repentance- in hebrew means "return to God". It was a gift bestowed on us by the Savior so that we can return back and live worthy of the blessings of heaven with our Heavenly Father. I Thought a little more about it this week and came to an understanding that the Gospel of Christ (faith, repentence, baptism, gift of the holy ghost, and enduring to the end) is a earthly principle. Its a "till death do we part thing" if you will. Faith- is not a perfect knowledge of things, but we will have that perfect knowledge of things in the next life, Repentence - Christ mission is fullfilled when we return into the presence of our Heavenly Father. Baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost are normally just a one time thing. and enduring to the end... well there will be no end.Repentence is such an awesome step closer to our Heavenly Father, a step to become better. I wonder why people are so afraid of it. maybe yeah its because you dont want to maybe accept that you did this or that, or maybe you dont want others to know because how you said it in you letter mom, people judge. I think that what first has to happen is to have an understanding that the One who can make this all go away, and who's judgements yes you should be afraid of is waiting for you to make a decision. He is waiting for you to "return to God". repentence requires a person to be humble, its not a choice you have to be humble for true repentence. If your still fighting and justifying, and still trying to hide parts of you away, something is wrong. we are not to hide our God given light, we are to let it shine before men that they may see our good works and glorify our Father in Heaven. and if its not shining then we should do something quick to flick it back on. We were ment to shine the verse says and not to hide. to keep shining until that light can become brighter and brighter until the perfect day.
Everyone seems to be doing great! I'm glad to hear, yeah taleya I hope you pop soon. that will be a once in a lifetime I suppose (atleast with your first) I'm doing good here, I'm helping people, trying to get them to change for the better....with the thought that if I'm out inviting people to change for the better then I had better be doing the same. I hope all is well. and i'm sorry this is short. lots to do today. Love you guys
Старійшина Джонсон
Monday, September 19, 2011
Proud to be an American!!!
Dear Americans!
so yesterday was the 10 anniversary of Sept. 11th and I wont lie my thoughts yesterday just after church took me back. Drifted back to home, back to child hood. It was kind of like one of those smells you know that you get a wif of and it takes you back to a whole other world that you used to live in, wether its back home, back to school, back to that tree you used to climb, back to that bowling alley, back to that 1985 beat up ole suburban. I had one of those moments yesterday, it took me back to the family. those young years you know. back when Taleya had about 7 years on Paisley, a doll in one hand and a tonka truck in the other. Us boys and our late night super smash bro tournaments followed by an even later night of cartoons. early morning "dad drop offs" in salt lake down town listening to Shania twain on K bull 93. and then i thought how blessed we are to have those kinds of experiences in our lifes. That we live in a country that not only allowed but provided what would be a longing of times now gone, a whole scrapbook full of old memories that we can look back on with a " hey remember that time we dyed taleya's hair with mud" lol "or that time that chris ate it hard in the middle of the street on his bike" " or when bryndon romped around the house like Tarzan with his new arm" haha and mom and dad wondering if we were ever going to grow up. At this point I hope of the same future for the next generation of Johnson's, or in taleya's case Mundy. This last week kind just brought some cool old memories that gave a hope for the future that even though times might seem tough, we can look back on them as if it was needed. We did those things in the past so we could look back on them in the future for a sense of learning and joy. You guys really are my joy!
This week was well... lets just say you remember in History class when they talked about the American revolution? well apply that lesson to the Kyiv Ukraine Mission. President Klebingat has completely assimilated our what once was the middle eastern zone of Podilska in the country. and divided it into two separate other zones. Elder Larson and I were so surprised! we are the last (for the next week) zone leaders of the Podilska zone which has been since the begining! I couldn't beleive it! President Klebingat has assigned me as district leader come thursday here in Kmelnitsky and we (companion and I) will be staying together for the next 7 weeks! totally nuts! all the of the responsability that we just had was just taken away! and I'm honestly really bumbed! thats no more helpin other elders in there cities! the serving opportunity is no longer there :( it stinks. I dont know why he even invited us to the zone leaders council because we aren't going to be doing anything as far as zone leaders go for the next forever!
I wont be writing next monday, it will probably be tuesday. we have to go to Leviv on sat, and then back here on sunday and then back again to leviv before monday. and the new rule is, no night time travel anymore! so... we are having a hard time trying to figure that out because we have the worst train in the world which usually leaves about 12 at night. so ... me and my brain says what? I say to myself." Self! what would be the fastest way to get to leviv?" and myself responded "perhaps... you could push the envelope again"..... hehehehe oh yeah! you guessed! so we are going to check out flying there this week! my Idea has been passed through president and he's down if its resonable! so that I'm stoked for it!
on the 7 of october I will be singing for a wedding here! hopefully we get it recorded and I can get a copy! anyway! so yeah I'm still bumbed that all the stuff that we used to get to do we wont be doing anymore. :( no I haven't got boots yet! Im still looking for those. and I still have gloves that I think will work. anyway I love you all and this will be my report for the week
my first hotel experience in Ukraine.... it was aweful! lol forgot to mention that. I'll send pictures of our Fortress finding andventure in a sec
so yesterday was the 10 anniversary of Sept. 11th and I wont lie my thoughts yesterday just after church took me back. Drifted back to home, back to child hood. It was kind of like one of those smells you know that you get a wif of and it takes you back to a whole other world that you used to live in, wether its back home, back to school, back to that tree you used to climb, back to that bowling alley, back to that 1985 beat up ole suburban. I had one of those moments yesterday, it took me back to the family. those young years you know. back when Taleya had about 7 years on Paisley, a doll in one hand and a tonka truck in the other. Us boys and our late night super smash bro tournaments followed by an even later night of cartoons. early morning "dad drop offs" in salt lake down town listening to Shania twain on K bull 93. and then i thought how blessed we are to have those kinds of experiences in our lifes. That we live in a country that not only allowed but provided what would be a longing of times now gone, a whole scrapbook full of old memories that we can look back on with a " hey remember that time we dyed taleya's hair with mud" lol "or that time that chris ate it hard in the middle of the street on his bike" " or when bryndon romped around the house like Tarzan with his new arm" haha and mom and dad wondering if we were ever going to grow up. At this point I hope of the same future for the next generation of Johnson's, or in taleya's case Mundy. This last week kind just brought some cool old memories that gave a hope for the future that even though times might seem tough, we can look back on them as if it was needed. We did those things in the past so we could look back on them in the future for a sense of learning and joy. You guys really are my joy!
This week was well... lets just say you remember in History class when they talked about the American revolution? well apply that lesson to the Kyiv Ukraine Mission. President Klebingat has completely assimilated our what once was the middle eastern zone of Podilska in the country. and divided it into two separate other zones. Elder Larson and I were so surprised! we are the last (for the next week) zone leaders of the Podilska zone which has been since the begining! I couldn't beleive it! President Klebingat has assigned me as district leader come thursday here in Kmelnitsky and we (companion and I) will be staying together for the next 7 weeks! totally nuts! all the of the responsability that we just had was just taken away! and I'm honestly really bumbed! thats no more helpin other elders in there cities! the serving opportunity is no longer there :( it stinks. I dont know why he even invited us to the zone leaders council because we aren't going to be doing anything as far as zone leaders go for the next forever!
I wont be writing next monday, it will probably be tuesday. we have to go to Leviv on sat, and then back here on sunday and then back again to leviv before monday. and the new rule is, no night time travel anymore! so... we are having a hard time trying to figure that out because we have the worst train in the world which usually leaves about 12 at night. so ... me and my brain says what? I say to myself." Self! what would be the fastest way to get to leviv?" and myself responded "perhaps... you could push the envelope again"..... hehehehe oh yeah! you guessed! so we are going to check out flying there this week! my Idea has been passed through president and he's down if its resonable! so that I'm stoked for it!
on the 7 of october I will be singing for a wedding here! hopefully we get it recorded and I can get a copy! anyway! so yeah I'm still bumbed that all the stuff that we used to get to do we wont be doing anymore. :( no I haven't got boots yet! Im still looking for those. and I still have gloves that I think will work. anyway I love you all and this will be my report for the week
my first hotel experience in Ukraine.... it was aweful! lol forgot to mention that. I'll send pictures of our Fortress finding andventure in a sec
Monday, September 12, 2011
I am PROUD to be an American!!!
Dear Americans!
so yesterday was the 10 anniversary of Sept. 11th and I wont lie my thoughts yesterday just after church took me back. Drifted back to home, back to child hood. It was kind of like one of those smells you know that you get a wif of and it takes you back to a whole other world that you used to live in, wether its back home, back to school, back to that tree you used to climb, back to that bowling alley, back to that 1985 beat up ole suburban. I had one of those moments yesterday, it took me back to the family. those young years you know. back when Taleya had about 7 years on Paisley, a doll in one hand and a tonka truck in the other. Us boys and our late night super smash bro tournaments followed by an even later night of cartoons. early morning "dad drop offs" in salt lake down town listening to Shania twain on K bull 93. and then i thought how blessed we are to have those kinds of experiences in our lifes. That we live in a country that not only allowed but provided what would be a longing of times now gone, a whole scrapbook full of old memories that we can look back on with a " hey remember that time we dyed taleya's hair with mud" lol "or that time that chris ate it hard in the middle of the street on his bike" " or when bryndon romped around the house like Tarzan with his new arm" haha and mom and dad wondering if we were ever going to grow up. At this point I hope of the same future for the next generation of Johnson's, or in taleya's case Mundy. This last week kind just brought some cool old memories that gave a hope for the future that even though times might seem tough, we can look back on them as if it was needed. We did those things in the past so we could look back on them in the future for a sense of learning and joy. You guys really are my joy!
This week was well... lets just say you remember in History class when they talked about the American revolution? well apply that lesson to the Kyiv Ukraine Mission. President Klebingat has completely assimilated our what once was the middle eastern zone of Podilska in the country. and divided it into two separate other zones. Elder Larson and I were so surprised! we are the last (for the next week) zone leaders of the Podilska zone which has been since the begining! I couldn't beleive it! President Klebingat has assigned me as district leader come thursday here in Kmelnitsky and we (companion and I) will be staying together for the next 7 weeks! totally nuts! all the of the responsability that we just had was just taken away! and I'm honestly really bumbed! thats no more helpin other elders in there cities! the serving opportunity is no longer there :( it stinks. I dont know why he even invited us to the zone leaders council because we aren't going to be doing anything as far as zone leaders go for the next forever!
I wont be writing next monday, it will probably be tuesday. we have to go to Leviv on sat, and then back here on sunday and then back again to leviv before monday. and the new rule is, no night time travel anymore! so... we are having a hard time trying to figure that out because we have the worst train in the world which usually leaves about 12 at night. so ... me and my brain says what? I say to myself." Self! what would be the fastest way to get to leviv?" and myself responded "perhaps... you could push the envelope again"..... hehehehe oh yeah! you guessed! so we are going to check out flying there this week! my Idea has been passed through president and he's down if its resonable! so that I'm stoked for it!
on the 7 of october I will be singing for a wedding here! hopefully we get it recorded and I can get a copy! anyway! so yeah I'm still bumbed that all the stuff that we used to get to do we wont be doing anymore. :( no I haven't got boots yet! Im still looking for those. and I still have gloves that I think will work. anyway I love you all and this will be my report for the week
my first hotel experience in Ukraine.... it was aweful! lol forgot to mention that. I'll send pictures of our Fortress finding andventure in a sec
so yesterday was the 10 anniversary of Sept. 11th and I wont lie my thoughts yesterday just after church took me back. Drifted back to home, back to child hood. It was kind of like one of those smells you know that you get a wif of and it takes you back to a whole other world that you used to live in, wether its back home, back to school, back to that tree you used to climb, back to that bowling alley, back to that 1985 beat up ole suburban. I had one of those moments yesterday, it took me back to the family. those young years you know. back when Taleya had about 7 years on Paisley, a doll in one hand and a tonka truck in the other. Us boys and our late night super smash bro tournaments followed by an even later night of cartoons. early morning "dad drop offs" in salt lake down town listening to Shania twain on K bull 93. and then i thought how blessed we are to have those kinds of experiences in our lifes. That we live in a country that not only allowed but provided what would be a longing of times now gone, a whole scrapbook full of old memories that we can look back on with a " hey remember that time we dyed taleya's hair with mud" lol "or that time that chris ate it hard in the middle of the street on his bike" " or when bryndon romped around the house like Tarzan with his new arm" haha and mom and dad wondering if we were ever going to grow up. At this point I hope of the same future for the next generation of Johnson's, or in taleya's case Mundy. This last week kind just brought some cool old memories that gave a hope for the future that even though times might seem tough, we can look back on them as if it was needed. We did those things in the past so we could look back on them in the future for a sense of learning and joy. You guys really are my joy!
This week was well... lets just say you remember in History class when they talked about the American revolution? well apply that lesson to the Kyiv Ukraine Mission. President Klebingat has completely assimilated our what once was the middle eastern zone of Podilska in the country. and divided it into two separate other zones. Elder Larson and I were so surprised! we are the last (for the next week) zone leaders of the Podilska zone which has been since the begining! I couldn't beleive it! President Klebingat has assigned me as district leader come thursday here in Kmelnitsky and we (companion and I) will be staying together for the next 7 weeks! totally nuts! all the of the responsability that we just had was just taken away! and I'm honestly really bumbed! thats no more helpin other elders in there cities! the serving opportunity is no longer there :( it stinks. I dont know why he even invited us to the zone leaders council because we aren't going to be doing anything as far as zone leaders go for the next forever!
I wont be writing next monday, it will probably be tuesday. we have to go to Leviv on sat, and then back here on sunday and then back again to leviv before monday. and the new rule is, no night time travel anymore! so... we are having a hard time trying to figure that out because we have the worst train in the world which usually leaves about 12 at night. so ... me and my brain says what? I say to myself." Self! what would be the fastest way to get to leviv?" and myself responded "perhaps... you could push the envelope again"..... hehehehe oh yeah! you guessed! so we are going to check out flying there this week! my Idea has been passed through president and he's down if its resonable! so that I'm stoked for it!
on the 7 of october I will be singing for a wedding here! hopefully we get it recorded and I can get a copy! anyway! so yeah I'm still bumbed that all the stuff that we used to get to do we wont be doing anymore. :( no I haven't got boots yet! Im still looking for those. and I still have gloves that I think will work. anyway I love you all and this will be my report for the week
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