Monday, January 23, 2012


Dear Everyone,

So first and for most I would like to thank my beloved mother again for being the only one who wrote this week (slackers!!!) Also before I get killed by perhaps a few of you, I did take into consideration everything and everyone and well, long story short its not going to work out. :S I'm SOOOO sorry taleya!!! I hope you can come! I really want you to be able to come, and I understand with this whole Idea of Spring Break I totally get if you can't come... I think it would be really cool though to see you if you could do it. So... yeah my date has been re changed to March 8th, 2012. It seems that is going to work out the best as of now. I am soo sorry for the inconvenience. Dont worry it will not be changing again, Sister Humphrys already knows the airports and will be buying the tickets today. (dad please dont mess with the seats because I would like to sit next to my district ) I'm sorry for changing the schedule, it seems that all we really do here. We found out that the 15 new Missionairies that are suppose to be coming in on wednesday are not coming because of political problems... so now come march we will be getting 26 new missionaries lol yikes!

Старійшина Джонсон

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