Friday, February 24, 2012

Dear Everyone!
It was all good to hear from you this week, and I'm glad everyone is doing well. Its good to hear dad is still traveling and Paisley is still tickling Taleya :D. I'm way glad to hear about Chris's papers and I want to know from him when he knows where, better yet send of video. I'm glad to hear about the games thanks to bryndon. I always get a nice laugh out of that one.
This week has been pretty awesome for me. I had the chance to go back to the beloved city of Rivne, the city where I have stayed the longest on my mission! over 6 months there. It was so nice to see familiar faces, however it was sad to see some of those familiar faces inactive... and not coming to church. The district leader and I went on exchanges and TORE up the work there. we found 3 more people who wanted to know more about the gospel, they ended the week with 8 lessons and 6 of those had members present with them. and the girl that Elder Reynolds and I had found is now turning 18 (as far as I understand) and is getting baptized on the 3 of october! I was so happy to see everyone! It was such a great start! we had so much work that we wanted to get done we had to stay another day to get it all done. This last week on the24th was the independence of Ukraine. so everything was all cultured out! the men and women in there vishuvanka's is what they are called! they are pretty much the coolest shirt in the world and I hope to get one before I go. Two of the members that we tried getting them to date one another are now getting married on the 7th of october! that was such awesome news. I ended up singing again with Yulia who invited two of her friends to hear the gospel from us. it was an awesome start to the week! and I loved it. we made it back just in time for branch council on thursday and we talked to the members about the work and where president Klebingat is headed. The branch Presidency was to teach and so I spoke first of the success and where the mission is headed and how much we need them to make all of this work. and then president megega stood and spoke on how we need to knock off having two separate church's. President Klebingat noticed that we had two churches, the missionaries church and the members church... he basically through down telling them that they have to get to know us, find out who we are like it was in the olden times. He then turned to us and told us that "we had better be the Angels that we were called to be". that sunk deep. thats not the first time that I have heard that from members. But the people here really beleive that. they call us angels sent to teach. and when he turned and said that it just totally brought it to perspective. Who we really are, or are supposed to be in there eye's. he continued saying you elders better get rid of whatever you have that is keeping you from being those angels. I was very humbled, not that I have been doing anything wrong but that I never really thought all that much about what the members think of me. who I am to them.
this mission is awesome! the area presidency came out and told us that our mission is the cutting edge of the church, its front lines, we are the ambassadors of heaven. they talked about how if we dont feel adiquate thats good! because you shouldn't. I was like what?! thats silly why should I not feel adiquate. but then I thought. Heavenly Father calls you to something when you dont feel adiquate enough to do it. He calls you in that hour to change yourself for the better, He wants to make us stronger so he will put those weaknesses to the test. He will not settle for weaknesses and we shouldn't either. He wants us to be better so "He will provide a way so that we may accomplish the thing that He hath commanded" ....."be ye perfect, even as I am". you want hot water then you you've gottat turn up the heat as it were. so that you will not be inadiquate, because you learn by doing. so if there is anyone of the family that might be waiting on .... I dont know maybe an elders calling, and doesn't feel adiquate or ready to be one. OFCOURSE you wont feel that way! your just look warm right now! you have never been an Elder so how can you feel adiquate or ready to be one! thats the whole point of becoming one is so you can be a adiquate preisthood holder of our Heavenly Father. However, he has given us a choice... we can allow him to mold us into that perfect being, and do those things that we need to, go to church, scriptures and so on... so that we can recieve the more perfect things that He wants for us....or, we can say "no, we have our own plans". but Honestly if you think about it If we did it our way we would create of ourselves a smudge, He would create a masterpeice, we would create ourselves to be a man, He would create a god. .... so now that its in contrast, you pick! Once you decide to do what you know our Heavenly Father knows you should do and you understand why you should do it. then you put the quote into play "if you know that you know, you are hard to restrain" we are an chosen generation, a peculiar people, a Royal blood line of Heaven. so shape up! there's no room in heaven for people who just want to stay put and say I'm not ready. Heaven is for those who say I'm READY! BRING IT ON!, for those who want to progress! .. so I guess the question is, .. you want to go to heaven? :D I had better hear that EVERYONE is going to church.... if you dont I'm not going to play ANY games when I get back! no one better! you had better be an Elder before I get home or else. :) wow that was kind of fun! but really take it seriously we need to always keep going forward! I love you all and am way excited. I cant believe my 6 months is coming up in less then two weeks... yikes. I dont want to get rid of this missionary life... worrying about everyone else, knowing which irons are the best to use, the ice cold showeres in the morning because our landlord wont pick up the phone. yeah... well stay in contact, as soon as I find my camera chord I'll be sending more pictures but until then I'll leave it up to your imaginations, I'll let you create your own pictures in your heads. I heard that creating or creation is an essence of godliness. by the way i'll be getting my winter stuff this week we think, and I sent pictures of my suit, if you could email mr. mac with the pictures and the reciept that I will send and ask them for another suit they will send one to the house so that I will have it when I get back :D thank you all, and I love you!  cool phrase in Ukrainian (that sounds alot more cool in Ukrainian) I thank you that you are.
Love you

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